In a for loop, this variable increments in value through every iteration of the for loop, and is used as a condition.
What is a counter variable
In Java, these statements are iteration statements that appear in the body of another iteration statement.
What is Nested Iteration
Which String method is used to discover the amount of characters in a String?
What is length()
What is the class that inherits the fields and methods of another class called?
What is child class
In a for statement, this is used to determine if the code will run on that iteration.
What is a condition
2D arrays are declared by defining a data type followed by two sets of what?
What is Square brackets
Which String method returns the character located at a String’s specified index?
What is charAt()
We want a child class Dog to inherent traits from a more general parent class what is that parent class called?
What is animal class
A piece of the for loop that increments the counter variable.
What is i++
If the array has not been declared yet, a new array can be declared and initialized in the same step using what?
What is curly brackets {}
What String method would you use to concate one String to the end of another String?
What is concat()
What is the keyword used to make a child class inherit things from a parent class?
What is extends
In a for loop, this variable increments in value through every iteration of the for loop, and is used as a condition.
What is a counter variable
What refers to an ordering of 2D array elements where traversal occurs across each row - from the top left corner to the bottom right.
What is Row-major order
Which String method allows you to extract part of a String into a seperate String?
What is substring()
What allows us to put instances of different classes that share a parent class together in an array or ArrayList?
What is Polymorphism
A method to go through arrays using for loops.
What is Iterating
In Java, enhanced For Loops can be used to traverse 2D arrays. Because enhanced for loops have no index variable, they are better used in situations where you only care about the values of the 2D array and cannot carry what?
What is not the location of those values
What does the String method indexOf() do?
What is returns the first occurrence of a character in a String
Polymorphism allows a child class to do what to a parent class code?
What is to share the information and behavior while also incorporating its own functionality