The mythological being associated with St. Patrick's Day lore.
What is a leprechaun.
This candy has the slogan of 'taste the rainbow'.
What is skittles.
March Madness refers to what sport and what level of play?
What is College Basketball.
March 21st is known as this.
What is the first day of Spring or Spring Equinox.
What is 'NCR' and what does it mean?
(Bonus points if you can tell what the percentage goal was for 2024)
What is 'Net Collection Rate'. The amount we collect of each dollar charged.
(2024 NCR goal - 83.5%)
A regular shamrock has this many leaves.
What is three.
Finish the theme song for this popular candy bar. "Give me a break, give me a break....."
What is 'break me off a piece of that KitKat bar.'
The final 8 teams of the tournament is referred to as this.
What is 'Elite 8.'
March 14th is often referred to as this.
What is Pi Day.
The first name of our new CEO.
(Bonus points if you can spell it correctly)
What is Caitlin.
This was the original color for St. Patrick's Day.
What is blue.
The three original flavors of Lifesavers.
What is Orange, Lemon and Lime.
This many teams are in the March Madness tournament.
What is 68.
This person was assassinated on March 15th (Ides of March) in 44 B.C.
Who is Julius Caesar.
The department coding belongs to.
What is RCM.
(Revenue Cycle Management)
The language of the Irish.
What is Gaelic.
This chocolate bar is known for its distinct triangular shape.
What is Toblerone.
How many teams played in the first March Madness tournament.
What is 8.
Where does March get its name?
What is Mars, the Roman god of war.
The percentage goal for quality.
What is 95%.
What musical instrument is on the Irish euro?
What is a harp.
What the M&M stands for in the popular M&M candies.
What is Mars and Murrie.
(the co-creators of the chocolate; Forrest Mars Sr. and Bruce Murrie)
The year of the first ever March Madness tournament. (Bonus points if you can name the winning team)
What is 1939.
(Oregon Ducks)
Employee Appreciation Day is celebrated on what day in March.
What is the first Friday.
For the quarterly bonus, to earn 100%, the number of points you have to earn.
What is 6.
4 points earns 50%
5 points earns 75%