Cog Psych (Ch. 1)
Perception (Ch.2)
Attention (Ch. 3)
Mental Imagery (Ch. 4)
Lab Questions

Cognitive Psychology Definition

What is how we take in information, manipulate it, and then use it?


Top-Down vs Bottom-Up Processing

Top-down = driven by context, expectations, and knowledge

Bottom-up = sense basic features of the stimulus and then integrate them


Selective Attention

The ability to focus on one message and ignore the others


Mental Image Definition

A mental image is an image that needs no physical sensation to see it


Is a study between or within?

Within = All participants do one condition

Between = All participants do all the conditions



What is the Computer Metaphor? Cognitive psychologists tried to envision humans as information processing systems that have limited capacity processor


Template Matching VS Feature Theories 

Template Matching = The Current image is compared to templates stored in the brain - must have a perfect match to be able to identify

Feature Theories = Detects objects by the presence of their features - each object is broken down into features. (individual features are detected in the brain and other areas and put it all together and tell us what we are looking at)


Attention Spotlight

Our attention moves and lights up an area and that's what we are focusing on


Epiphenomonal Evidence

Mental images exist but are a representation of information and not a true copy, they can be rotated, changed, etc.


IV vs DV

Independent Variable = what you're manipulating

Depenedent Variable = Result you're measuring


Contributions to the Cognitive Revolution

What is, discontent with behaviorism, the connection between person and machine, and the Information-Processing system?


Face Processing (Active Area, Inversion, Prospagonia)

Active Area = FFA (Fusiform Face Area)

Inversion = Harder time recognizing faces when they're upside down

Prospagonia = Face Blindness


Dichotic listening experiments

Process and remember the information we pay attention to, no meaningful information of the unattended message, only superficial aspects (gender or voice) - suggests that info not in the spotlight is completely filtered out


Visual Imagers vs Non-visual Imagers

Visual Imagers =  better to identify a picture from a blurred image, a bit better on degraded images tasks

Non-visual Imagers = does better on the paper folding task


Standard Error Bar

The range of what the mean could be depending on how much error was used


Areas of the brain

What are the frontal lobe, motor cortex, sensory cortex, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, and cerebellum?


Face Processing isn't special

Brains act differently based on experience



What is the Parahippocampalarea?


Mental Rotation Study

We can mentally rotate images - not static images


Components for a graph

Title, labels, Standard Error Bars


Cognitive VS Behavioral Psychology

Behaviorism = dogs response to stimulus

Cognitive = what the dog was thinking


ASD & Face Recognition

Individuals diagnosed as being on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) significantly reduced activation of the fusiform face area (fusiform gyrus)


Automatic VS Effortful Processing

Automatic = It occurs without intention, no conscious awareness, no or little interference with mental activities, and it takes up little of your spotlight or pool of attention

Effortful = Performance is intentional, conscious awareness, it interferes with mental activities, it requires attentional control and it takes up a lot of your spotlight or pool of attention


Ambigious Figures Study

Rabbit VS Duck


Scale VS Nominal VS Ordinal Label

Scale = Numbers

Nominal = Names

Ordinal = "Categories whose order has meaning; differences between categories is not always equal"