Multisensory integration
Disorders of perception
What is the name for the establishment of cognitive psychology outside of the scope of behavior?
What is cognitive revolution
When you encounter a stimulus, two perceptual systems are involved, one of which involves using of previous knowledge.
What is bottom-up and top-down perception
Illusion of body ownership where your real hand tends to be confused a fake hand.
What is rubber hand illusion.
The inability to identify faces is called…
What is Prosopagnosia
When I show you a picture of Dalmatian dog consisting out of black and white blobs and initially do not see the dog….we talk about…
What is Bottom-Up Perception.
Who were the three founding fathers of cognitive psychology? Name at least two.
What is Miller, Chomsky, Simon & Newell
The theory of perception that believes that unconscious inferences interject the visual processing of any stimulus.
What is Helmholtz's theory of unconscious inferences.
The illusion where hearing dominates and overrides touch….
What is Parchment Skin Illusion
The inability to identify, and recognize objects is called…
What is Visual Agnosia.
When I show you a picture of Dalmatian dog consisting out of black and white blobs and see the dog right away….we talk about…Plus, name theory that could easily explain the phenomenon.
What is Top-Down Perception. Helmholtz- unconscious inferences.
Herman Ebbinghaus came up with the idea that we remember information presented first, and also most recently presented info. Name the two phenomena he described.
What is Primacy and recency effect.
Who were the authors of two-stream hypothesis? And what are the two streams?
What is ventral and dorsal stream? And Millner and Goodale.
An illusion that arises as a consequence of discrepancy between the presentation of visual and auditory information is called….
What is McGurk effect.
The inability to localize information and objects in space is called…
What is Optic Ataxia
When I show you a partially obstructed view of chair but you do not recognize it because you do not see the individual shapes of each part of the chair….We know that …(name) was right with his theory of
What is Biedermann. Geons.
The theory that posits that we categorize the incoming information according to already established mental frameworks we have?
What is Schema Theory?
Name the two streams that play role in analyzing perceptual information after the initial visual processing occurred in primary visual cortex, and the aspect of the visual information they are responsible for.
What is ventral (object recognition) and dorsal (object localization).
Why does Kiki-Bouba effect occur?
What is ....
The damage to dorsal stream leads to___, while the damage to ventral stream leads to ___.
What is optic ataxia and visual agnosia
I show you a picture where a human face is comprised of individual pieces of fruit. You see the fruit, but not the face- you suffer from___.If you do not see the fruit, but see the face, you suffer from___
What is prosopagnosia, visual agnosia.
The effect dubbed after one of the first female researchers in cognitive psychology that describes the enhanced memory for information that stands out is…
What is Von Restorff effect
Name of the parts of cortex that are involved in differential processing of visual information. (this might be a tough one!)
inferiotemporal lobe and posterior parietal lobe
McGurk effect demonstrated the role of ___in perception of speech.
What is vision
The two different types of Prosopagnosia and the reasons for its occurrence.
What is developmental (heritable) and acquired (stroke, head trauma)- fusiform gyrus
Two principles that demonstrate that face perception in holistic.
What is Whole-part effect and Composite-face effect.