methods and studies

True or false: Intelligence is unrelated to healthy lifestyle choices.



What is the cross-sectional research method?

It is a study that compares people of different ages at the same point in time.


What famous term did William Stern come up with?

Intelligence quotient or IQ


What increases with age?

A: processing speed

B: ability to recall memory

C: social reasoning skills

D: hair

C; With age and experience, decisions become less distorted by negative emotions. Adults are also more capable of looking at multiple perspectives and appreciating knowledge limits.


What is the difference between short-term memory and long-term memory?

Short-term memory is memory that holds a few items briefly before the information is stored or forgotten.

Long-term memory is relatively permanent and is a limitless storehouse for memory.


What is the difference between crystallized and fluid intelligence?

Crystallized: the ability to accumulate knowledge and verbal skills (tends to increase with age).

Fluid: the ability to reason quickly and abstractly (tends to decrease with age).


What is a longitudinal study?

It is a study that studies the same people over time.


Who was determined to find out a child's mental age?

Alfred Binet (French psychologist)


Genetic influences become more apparent as we accumulate

Life experience :D


What is the difference between iconic and echoic memory?

Iconic is visual and fleeting while echoic is auditory and lasts for 3-4 seconds.


Which of the following best represents fluid intelligence?

A: Tracy loves training dogs.

B: Phill engages in a deep conversation with his philosophy professor.

C: Liola leads the middle school poetry club.

D: Pamela plays piano.

B; This is the correct answer because fluid intelligence allows a person to reason flexibly, draw inferences, and conceptualize abstract information.


True or false: heredity accounts for more than half the variation in math and science exam scores.

True; a study of British 16-year-olds by Vinkhuyzen proves this.


Name Sternberg's 3 intelligences.

1) practical

2) creative

3) analytical


What causes down syndrome?

An extra chromosome


What is the difference between content validity and predictive validity?

content validity: the test content tests what it says it will

predictive validity: how well a measure predicts future behavior.


Which type of intelligence best succeeds in relationships, career, and parenting?

Emotional intelligence


What phenomenon says that intelligence has increased over time?

Flynn effect


What are Gardner's multiple intelligences? (name 4)

Linguistic, Logical/Mathematical, Spatial, Bodily-Kinesthetic, Musical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, and Naturalist.


What is intellectual disability?

A condition of limited mental ability indicated by an IQ of 70 or less and a difficulty adapting to independence.


How does the stereotype threat affect performance on tests?

A person is concerned that they will be evaluated based on negative stereotypes so they tend to not perform as well.


What are some criteria for being diagnosed with an intellectual disability?

- If there are approximately two standard deviations or more below the population

- An IQ score of about 70 or below


What did Hermann Ebbinghaus study and what did he learn?

He tested himself on the ability to recall a sample of syllables and found that more practice means less time required to relearn.


Name Thurstone's 7 clusters of primary mental abilities.

The seven primary mental abilities in Thurstone's model were verbal comprehension, word fluency, number facility, spatial visualization, associative memory, perceptual speed and reasoning.


Who do you think has the highest IQ in the class?

Amelia and Lucy obviously.


What are the criticisms of gifted programs in public schools? (give one to two examples).

1) Separating by aptitude labels the other children ungifted and denies them opportunities.

2) Creates high expectations that are hard to keep up with.