Studying and Building Memories
Memory, Storage, and Retrieval
Forgetting, Memory Construction, and Memory Improvement
Thinking, Concepts, Creativity and Problem Solving

2. According to the three-box/information-processing model, stimuli from our outside environment is first stored in

A. Working memory

B. The hippocampus

C. The thalamus

D. Sensory memory

E. Selective attention

D. Sensory Memory


2. Elizabeth is taking a fill-in-the-blank pop quiz in her English class. What form of memory is she exercising while answering the questions?

A. Storage

B. Recognition

C. Retention

D. Relearning

E. Recall

E. Recall


5. Bob has been in his school cafeteria hundreds of times. It is a large room, and there are nine free-standing pillars that support the roof. One day, to illustrate the nature of forgetting, Bob's teacher asks him how many pillars there are in the cafeteria. Bob has difficulty answering the question, but finally replies that he thinks there are six pillars. What memory concept does this example illustrate?

A. Storage decay

B. Retrograde amnesia

C. Proactive interference

D. Retroactive interference

E. Encoding failure

E. Encoding failure


Which of the following is the best term for mental activities associated with remembering, thinking, and knowing?
A. cognition
B. concept
C. prototypes
D. convergent thinking
E. divergent thinking

A. cognition


As he attempted to spell the word “perceive,” Tom reminded himself “i before e except after c.” Tom's self-reminder best illustrates the use of

A. trial and error.

B. an algorithm.

C. confirmation bias.

D. insight.

E. a heuristic.

E. a heuristic.


5. Which of the following is an example of explicit memory?

A. Classical Conditioning

B. Priming

C. Familiarity

D. Semantic memory

E. Procedural Memory

D. Semantic memory


3. How does shallow processing affect encoding?

A. It allows encoding of only auditory stimuli

B. It allows encoding of only visual stimuli 

C. It allows for encoding based on the meaning of a word

D. It allows complex level encoding 

E. It allows basic level encoding

E. It allows basic level encoding


1. In school, Tim learned the basics of Spanish grammar; however, after learning this new information, Tim cannot seem to recall the French he learned several months ago. Which of the following could be causing Tim's inability to recall past learning?

A. Relearning

B. Retrieval failure

C. Proactive Interference

D. Retroactive Interference

E. Decay

D. Retroactive Interference


Producing valuable and novel ideas best defines which of the following?
A. prototyping
B. cognition
C. intrinsic motivation
D. venturesome personality
E. creativity

E. creativity


How many phonemes are in the word “ship”?

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. four

E. five 

C. three


4. Which of these is an example of a type of implicit memory?

A. Episodic Memory

B. Procedural

C. Semantic

D. Autobiographical

E. None of the above

B. Procedural


5. New memories and the retrieval of old memories are localized to which structure in the brain?

A. Occipital Lobe

B. Cerebellum

C. Wernicke’s Area

D. Hippocampus

E. Amygdala

D. Hippocampus


2. After suffering damage to her hippocampus, Pauline can still remember her past perfectly; however, she constantly forgets information she learned only moments earlier. Which of the following diagnoses best identifies Pauline’s condition?

A. Anterograde Amnesia

B. Echoic Memory

C. Retrograde Amnesia

D. Amnesia

E. Proactive Interference

A. Anterograde Amnesia


After learning that her two best friends had lost their jobs, Megan began to grossly overestimate the national unemployment rate. Megan's reaction best illustrates the consequences of

A. intrinsic motivation.

B. the availability heuristic.

C. the framing effect.

D. insight.

E. using algorithms.

B. the availability heuristic.


Which of the following would be most characteristic of a 2-year-old's telegraphic speech?

A . “apple eat”

B. “kitty soft”

C. “want juice”

D. “ball bouncy”

E. “daddy funny”  

C. “want juice”


3. Which sentence most accurately describes sensory memory?

A. Sensory memory stores all sensory input accurately for a short period of time.

B. Sensory memory encodes only sensations we are attending to at the time.

C. Sensory memory receives memories from the working memory and decides which memories to encode in long-term memory.

D. Sensory memory records all incoming sensations and remembers them indefinitely.

E. Sensory memory records some sensations accurately, but some are recorded incorrectly leading to constructive memory.

A. Sensory memory stores all sensory input accurately for a short period of time.


4. Remembering the beginning contents of a long list is termed the __________________.

A. Naming Effect

B. Visual Effect

C. Recency Effect

D. Primacy Effect

E. Spatial Effect

D. Primacy Effect


4. What does Hermann Ebbinghaus’ forgetting curve show about the nature of storage decay?

A. The rate of forgetting increases as time goes on.

B. The rate of forgetting decreases as time goes on.

C. The rate of forgetting does not change as time goes on.

D. The rate of forgetting varies according to the motivation of the learner.

E. The rate of forgetting varies according to the emotional state of the learner.

B. The rate of forgetting decreases as time goes on.


In middle school and high school, Chuck got away with copying his test answers from classmates. Because the college has test proctors who are very observant, Chuck spends as many hours devising new ways to cheat as it would take him to study and perform well in an honest fashion. Chuck's strategy for passing tests illustrates the consequences of

A. functional fixedness.

B. expertise.

C. the framing effect.

D.  insight.

E. a mental set.

E. a mental set.


The earliest stage of speech development begins around 4 months and is called the ________ stage.

A. grammatical

 B.  telegraphic speech

 C.  babbling 

D. semantic

 E. one-word

C.  babbling

  1. Which of the following is the most complete list of elements in the three box/information-processing model?

A. Sensory memory, constructive memory, working memory, and long-term memory

B. Short-term memory, working memory, and long-term memory

C. Shallow processing, deep processing, and retrieval 

D. Sensory memory, encoding, working memory, and retrieval

E. Sensory memory, working memory, encoding, long term memory, and retrieval

E. Sensory memory, working memory, encoding, long term memory, and retrieval

  1. Recall is a more difficult process than recognition because

A. Memories retrieved by recognition are held in working memory, and recalled memories are in long-term memory.

B. Memories retrieved by recognition are more deeply processed.

C. The process of recall involves cues to the memory that cause interference.

D. Memories retrieved by recognition are more recent than memories retrieved by recall.

E. The process of recognition involves matching a person, an event, or an object with something already in memory.

A. Memories retrieved by recognition are held in working memory, and recalled memories are in long-term memory


3. Which of the following psychologists is famous for research on false memories?

A. Hermann Ebbinghaus

B. Elizabeth Loftus

C. Noam Chomsky

D. Wolfgang Köhler

E. George A. Miller

B. Elizabeth Loftus


Dr. Bright's patient was complaining of feeling worthless, lethargic, and uninterested in typically enjoyable activities. Dr. Bright simply matched those few symptoms with the textbook definition of depression and diagnosed the patient as depressed. However, her diagnosis may be incorrect as she may be ignoring other pertinent information. Dr. Bright's potential misdiagnosis is likely due to which of the following? 

A. functional fixedness

B. the availability heuristic

C. trial and error

D. algorithms

E. the representativeness heuristic

E. the representativeness heuristic


By what age is a person's ability to learn a language begins to severely diminish?

A. 2-3 years

B. 4 years

C. 4 1/2 - 6 years

D. 7 years

E. 9-10 years 

D. 7 years