Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

The number is items processed/recallable after a brief display is called what? 

Span of Apprehension

What is articulatory supression effect?

The difficulty with retaining the phonological loop while articulating something


What is the Temporal Gradient of Retrograde Amnesia? 

Experiencing memory loss for events closer to injury because they did not have enough time to consolidate. 

How do recovered memories occur?

When you go through some type of therapy which can impact and distort a memory


What is the reminiscence Bump? 

This is where adults over 40 have an enhanced memory for the 2nd and 3rd decades of their lives. 


Presenting a mask immediately after a stimulus is as a form of interference is called what?

Backward Masking 


I studied for the last Cognition exam by re-reading and repeating the content but I didn't do so well for for this exam I am going to study by making the content relate to deeper meaning. What was I doing before and what am I doing now?

Last exam: Maintenance rehearsal 

This exam: Elaborative rehearsal 


What is passive versus active theory of forgetting when sleeping? 

Passive theory believes there is less forgetting due to less room for interference while active theory believes that something happens that promotes memory. 


How do patients HM and KF work as a double dissociation? 

HM had intact STM and impaired LTM while KF had intact LTM and impaired STM 

What did Loftus and Palmar find? 

They conducted the experiment where 2 groups watched a video of a car accident, and found that the group which used the word bump instead of smash, predicted the car to be driving slower, showing Elizabeth Loftus' misinformation effect which believes post-event leading questions can distort memory


What did Sperling's whole vs partial report find?

The report told us that the sensory memory capacity is really big but the duration is very short

What did Glazner and Cunitz (1966)  do and find? 

They had people count backwards after hearing the last words of a list and they found the Serial Positioning effect but the recency effect is eliminated when given 30 second break either because: 

1. Memory decay or 

2. Memory interference 


What was the Godeen and Baddeley (1975) study?

They explored encoding specificity by having participants learn a list of words on land or while scuba diving and found that performance was better when the encoding condition matches the retrieval condition. 


How do patients KC and LP work as an example of double dissociation? 

KC had impaired episodic memory and intact semantic while LP had intact episodic and impaired semantic


What did Wells and Bradfield find? 

Receiving confirming feedback leads to potential increase in confidence. 
A student has turned in his big project after experiencing extreme distractibility and even though he has turned in the project he is still working on the project, what could this student be possibly facing? 

Dysexecutive syndrome 


How can we achieve a Release from Proactive interference? 

If the category of the stimuli changes.


What differentiates the synaptic and the systems levels of memory consolidation? 

The synaptic level is the neuronal level (24 hrs) while the systems level involves reorganization of memories from the hippocampus to cortex (years). 


What is state dependent learning?

Memory is better when the physiological state at encoding and retrieval are similar. 


Why does the reminiscence bump occur?

1. Biological/maturational hypothesis 

2. Self-image hypothesis 

3. Cognitive hypothesis 

4. Cultural life script hypothesis 


What is the Episodic Buffer?

The part of working memory which information from different modalities and sources are bound together into new episodic memories. Communicates with LTM. 


What was found in Wickens (1967) study? 

Wicken's found that the professions to fruit had less decay than fruit to fruit because different information is easier to separate. (Proactive interference is seen) 


Rasch 2007 experiment findings?

These results supported "active" theory of memory and sleep because when the odor from encoding was presented during Stage 4/ SWS memory performance was best. 


What is Long Term Potentiation (LTP)? 

Donald Hebb 1948 

Repeated exposure/learning result in enhanced firing of pre-synaptic and post-synaptic neurons which fire together and a strengthened connection= stronger memory


What is the weapons focus effect? 

Arousal causes a narrowing of attention, causing a person to encode less info, leading to poorer memory for everything except the central event.