Creativity & Problem Solving
Intelligence Theories
Research Methods/Testing

Anna enters a room that she has never been in before. However, she still feels she has seen the room prior. This feeling is called the following.

What is Deja Vu?


Sophie knows that all dogs have ears, so she reasons that golden retrievers must have ears. This type of reasoning is being displayed here. 

What is Deductive Reasoning?


Raymond Cattell suggested that there are two different forms of intelligence, called fluid intelligence (ability to solve new problems) and crystallized intelligence (ability to use learned knowledge/experience). This theory is called the following.

What is Cattell's Theory of Fluid and Crystallized Intelligence?


This is a set of rules governed by syntax and semantics.

What is Grammar?


Intelligence scores have been increasing as time progresses, specifically during the 20th century. This effect is called the following.

What is the Flynn Effect?


Kevin classifies ducks, geese, and parrots all as birds. The formation of this categorization is called the following.

What is a Concept?


Emma has imaginative thinking skills and a venturesome personality. Her teachers frequently comment that she thinks outside the box. Emma is exhibiting the following personality trait.

What is Creativity?


Robert Sternberg suggested there are 3 distinct types of intelligence: practical (ability to successfully function in one's environment), creative (ability to deal with novel situations/issues), and analytic (ability to solve problems). This theory is called the following.

What is Sternberg's Theory of Triarchic Intelligences?

A child typically reaches this stage of language-learning at 10 months old.

What is the Babbling Stage?


This test's purpose is to reveal intelligence in which individuals are born with.

What is the Stanford-Binet Test?


After looking at a test question for a full minute, Sara suddenly realizes what the answer is. The moment when she figured out the answer is called the following.

What is Insight?


Lily is trying to come up with ideas for a new marketing campaign. She encourages her team to think freely and generate as many ideas as possible without judgment. The type of thinking Lily is promoting is called the following.

What is Divergent Thinking?


This theory claimed that people do not have just one intellectual capacity, but many kinds of intelligences.

What is Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences?


The following are the smallest units of speech sound which combine to form morphemes.

What are Phonemes?


This characteristic refers to the ability of a test/assessment to measure what it is intended to measure.

What is Predictive Validity?


James is unsure whether to choose option A or B on a test question. His gut feeling tells him to choose B. This feeling is called the following.

What is Intuition?


Robert is trying to decide which car to purchase. He recalls a positive experience with a particular car brand and assumes that other cars from the same brand will also be reliable. The heuristic Robert is using is called the following.

What is the Representative Heuristic?


According to Thurstone's Theory of Primary Mental Abilities, the seven primary mental abilities include verbal comprehension, word fluency, number facility, spatial visualization, associative memory, perceptual speed, and one other. The following is the last one.

What is Reasoning?


A 1-year-old exclaims "puppy!" when he sees one. She is currently at this stage of language-learning.

What is the One Word Stage?


This test consists of four sections: similarities (commonalities between objects), vocabulary (naming pictures/objects), block design (making patterns), and letter numbering sequence.

What is the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test (WAIS)?


Emily is going to a picnic with her friends, and is in charge of bringing a fruit basket. Emily packs apples, oranges, and bananas, but does not pack tomatoes. The reasoning for this decision-making is called the following.

What is a Prototype?


Michaela forms a hypothesis, then tests that hypothesis by carrying out experiments and observing the results. This observation leads Michaela to confirm her hypothesis is correct. This type of reasoning is being displayed here.

What is Inductive Reasoning?


The overall spectrum of mental faculties influencing the performance on a wide variety of cognitive abilities is called the following.

What is the G Factor in Spearman's Two-Factor Theory?


Someone with damage in the left hemisphere may have a language impairment, which is called the following.

What is Aphasia?


This issue regarding testing refers to the self-confirming concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype.

What is the Stereotype Threat/Effect?