The two models of memory
What is Multi-stored and Working memory model?
What is schema theory
What is the theory of how humans process incoming information, related it to existing knowledge and use it?
Anchoring bias
The reconstructive memory
Is it cause by activating schema and distort it in the process?
What is a highly detailed, vivid snapshot of the moment when a surprising and emotionally arousing event happened
The difference between two models of memory
What is: Multi-stored memory model argues that short-term memory is limited in both capacity and duration, operate in a single uniform way
Working memory model argues that STM is not a single store but consists of a number of different stores
The research method used when investigating schema theory, limitation and strengths
What is natural, laboratory? What is high ecological validity, highly standardized?
The framing effect
What is the theory that argues people choose between alternatives that involve risk, when possibilities of outcomes are known
The misinformation effect cause by leading question.
Evaluation of the flashbulb memory theory
What is strength: biological evidence that supports the role of emotion in memory formation, limitation: impossible to verify accuracy of memories, not possible to measure one's emotional state of an event
The composition of working memory model
What is central executive, phonological loop, episodic buffer, visuo-spatial sketchpad?
The study that investigate role of schema in the encoding and retrieval of episodic memory.
What is the study conducted by Brewer and Treyens about?
Heuristics in system 1 of the model of thinking and decision-making
What is mental short-cuts involved focusing on existing evidence of a complex problem and ignoring others
Researcher that conducted the lost in mall study
Loftus and pickerell
Two studies studying flashbulb memory
What is Brown and Kulik, Sharot et al?
Limitations of Multi-stored memory
What is over-simplified? does not consider distortion of memory, emotional memory, and cultural schema?
Two process within the schema theory.
What is bottom-up processing and top-down processing?
What is slower, conscious, and rational mode of thinking?
Ethical consideration in the study investigating reconstructive memory.
What is deception and protection of participants?
Ethical consideration in study investigating flashbulb memory
Contrast two models of memory using two or more studies
What is Glanzer and Cunitz, Landry and Bartling?
what is the 3 patterns of distortion? what is assimilation, leveling and sharpening?
The evaluation of the dual process model
Research methods used in the study studying reconstructive memory
Evaluate Brown and Kulik
-highly ecological: memories of events form real life
-personal event: no way to determine whether the memories stated by ps are accurate could just be demand characteristic
-demand characteristics: provide false memory to make the result they think the researcher want
-emotional response cannot be measured