The first model to separate memory into different stores and who created it
What is the Multi-Store model of memory by Atkinson and Shiffrin?
a ‘mental shortcut’ that serves as a simple rule which is applied with little or no thought in order to generate a ‘probable’ answer
What is a heuristic?
You can remember how the temperature felt and the emotions you were feeling in that exact moment
What is flashbulb memory?
The focus of Strack and Mussweiler's experiment
What is the anchoring bias/effect?
intuitive (automatic, quick) and rational (goal-oriented, requires intentional effort) thinking
What is system 1 and system 2 thinking?
something that facilitates schema processing which may influence the accuracy of recall. ex. leading questions
What is the Misinformation effect?
mental representations that are derived from prior experiences and knowledge
What is a schema?
The case of one patient that tested working memory
What is the study of KF?
The inner voice that rehearses words repeatedly in one's head.
What is the Articulatory control system?
a type of cognitive bias that has the tendency to rely too heavily on the first piece of information offered when making a decision
what is the anchoring bias?
forming perceptions based on what we already know
what is top-down processing?
The participants were given a list of 20 words each with one syllable noun and right after hearing the words they were asked to do a free recall task for two minutes.
What was Glanzer and Cunitz?
The working parts of the Short Term Memory Model.
What is the central executive, the phonological loop, visuospatial sketch pad, and episodic buffer?
the process of remembering altered information involving the recreation of an experience or event that has been only partially stored in memory.
What is reconstructive memory?
personal consequences determine the intensity of emotion reactions
What is the importance driven model?
This quasi experimet was conducted three years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in manhattan. The sample was made up of 24 Participants who were in New York City on that day. The participants were recruited through advertisements. They provided infrared consent and were compensated for their participation.
What is Sharot et al?
External or outside information from the world travels to our sensory memory. Then, the information transfers over to our short term memory which only remembers a few pieces of information at a time and lasts for up to 30 seconds. With enough rehearsal, the information is encoded and transferred into long term memory, which has unlimited capacity for storing information and it is permanent.
Describe the process of the Multi Store Model of Memory and its relation to the Serial Position effect?
The case of Ronald Cotton discovered that when witnesses try to retrieve a past event, they may unknowingly fill in the gaps with information based on past experience, stereotypes or post-event info.
What case discovered the potential unreliability of eyewitness testimonies?
When critical levels of surprise create a permanent record of the details and circumstances surrounding the experience
What is the Special-Mechanism Hypothesis?
The critical word (smashed, contacted, hit, etc.) and the estimation of speed given by the participants
What were the dependent and independent variables in the experiment of Loftus and Palmer?