Cognitive Therapy
Behavior Therapy
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Reality Therapy
Albert Ellis has been called the “grandfather” of cognitive behavior therapy, while Aaron T. Beck is considered the pioneering figure in cognitive therapy. Each scholar experienced childhoods of illness, fear, anxiety and other hardships. These experiences paired with a passion for clinical work and research spurred on the development of the cognitive approaches which theorize that this is to blame for psychological distress.
What are cognitive processes
Edward Thorndike first discussed behavior modification in 1911, however this man is often credited as the father of Behavior Therapy for a paper he co-authored in 1953
Who is B.F. Skinner
REBT was developed in the 1950’s by this noted psychologist.
Who is Albert Ellis
He developed Reality Therapy in the 1960's
Who is William Glasser
The following thought is an example of which of the basic principles of Cognitive Therapy? “My 17 year old client is reluctant to respond in session, reports minimal to no growth since our last treatment plan and told me that she hates me. I must not be able to work with adolescents. Maybe I can’t work with ANY clients.”
Behavior Therapy is especially effective for
What are phobias
REBT was originally known as
What is Rational Emotive Therapy
The underlying theory behind Reality Therapy that states that humans are internally motivated and exhibit behavior that is designed to control the world around them based on 5 internal motivators.
What is Choice Theory
Cold, sterile, robotic. These are all examples of possible ______ of CBT.
This is ongoing throughout the course of Behavior Therapy. Often a functional analysis is completed as part of the initial one.
What is assessment
According to rational emotive behavior therapy, people's problems arise from
perceptions of life situations, not by the situations themselves
An acronym for guiding treatment in which the clinicians identify wants, doing and direction, evaluation, and planning with a client.
What is WDEP (the WDEP Model)
Cognitive therapy perceives psychological problems as stemming from commonplace processes such as faulty thinking, making incorrect inferences on the basis of inadequate or incorrect information, and failing to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Techniques to emphasize recognition and change of negative thoughts and beliefs are also shared by this type of therapy
Behavior Therapy
Developed as a reaction to/against psychoanalytic theories, Behavior Theorists thought their theories were superior to psychoanalytic theories because they used
What are empirically supported techniques or Evidence Based Practices
REBT can be effective in the treatment of a range of psychological disorders including
What are anxiety disorders and phobias as well as specific behaviors such as severe shyness and excessive approval seeking
The goal of Reality Therapy is to help client move from external to internal sense of control. The essential part of this process requires creating a what?
What is an action plan
Either-or. Black and white. Polarized. Extremes. These all elude to this term used often in CT work.
What is dichotomous thinking
One of the most important things for each member to do at the initiation of group therapy
What is set specific goals
The goal of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy is
What is to eliminate a self-defeating outlook on life, to reduce unhealthy emotional responses, and to acquire a more rational and tolerant philosophy
Reality Therapy has been proven effective in working with what specific population?
Who are adolescents