Concrete Operations
Formal Operations
He created four well-defined stages of cognitive development.
Who is Jean Piaget?
This stages takes place from ____ to ____.
What is birth to 2 years?
This stage takes place from ___ to ___ years.
What is 2 to 7?
This stage takes place from ___ to ___ years.
What is 7 to 11?
This stage takes place from ___ to ___.
What is 11 years to adulthood?
He emphasized the importance of social interactions to cognitive development.
Who is Lev Vygotsky?
When it is known that an object out of sight still exists, it is called this.
What is object permanence?
Language development is ___ in the preoperational stage.
What is fast?
This is the type of interactions needed by children in the concrete operations stage of cognitive development.
What are peer interactions?
This type of reasoning is what those individuals in the formal operations stage of development can formulate.
What is hypothetical?
His theory of this states that "one's cognitive abilities are developed as individuals mature physiologically and they have opportunities to interact with their environment".
What is Piaget's theory of cognitive development?
When an infant places his/herself at the center of the world and learns by processing the impact of his or her actions on the environment, it is called this.
What is centrism?
This is the interaction between group members that is limited, yet the members are still able to talk to each other.
What is collective monologue?
These type of activities are good for development in the concrete operations stage.
What are hands on activities?
This is the term that means "can perform mental tasks without having previously experienced them".
What is abstract thought?
This is referred to by Vygotsky as "a place of learning where a child can master a task if given appropriate help and support.
What is the ZPD (zone of proximal development)?
The use of motor movements for a goal of gaining something in return are called this type of actions.
What are goal-directed actions?
A child in the preoperational stage will believe that others experience the world the same way he or she does. This is when the child is _____.
What is egocentric?

This is term that means that "a mass, distance, or number remains constant regardless of how it is subdivided."

What is conservation?

This is the term that means "understanding that others have different perspectives and beliefs, but assuming that everyone shares his or her thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Yet believes he or she is unique and no one could possibly understand how he or she feels."
What is adolescent egocentrism?
Piaget conducted detailed studies on children's _____, _____, and _____.
What is intelligence, learning, and memory?
This is how Piaget can be applied in the classroom at the sensorimotor stage of a child's life.
What is allow children to explore, provide opportunities to experience new materials and toys, or stimulate senses and encourage motor development (or similar)?
This is how Piaget can be applied in the classroom at the preoperational stage of a child's life.
What is using concrete props, pictures, visual aids; what is explaining rules in brief; what is showing finished work as an example of expectations; what is use lessons that apply to children's life experiences; what is doing any sort of tangible activities; what is going on field trips (etc.)?
This is how Piaget can be applied in the classroom at the concrete operations stage of a child's life.
What is providing hands-on experiences; what is using visual aids, props, timelines, diagrams, models; what is providing new information in steps; what is assign reading in short chapters, etc.
This is how Piaget can be applied in the classroom at the formal operations stage of a child's life.
What is encouraging use of logic, allowing for individual differences, or encouraging social interaction, etc.?