Prenatal (1)
Piaget (2)
Vygotsky (3)
Language Aquisition (4)
Neuro + Adolescent (5)

The term for environmental agents, like drugs or chemicals, that can harm the fetus.

What are teratogens?


Oat falls off his chair and cries “my chair is mean!” demonstrating this concept.

What is an example of animism?


Ms. Dovi notices that with a little guidance, Laura can complete tasks she couldn’t do independently meaning that Laura is in this zone.

What is the Zone of Proximal Development?


“Infants teach themselves”

What is the catchphrase for the Nativist Theory?


Henry often acts impulsively when with his friends. This part of his brain is still maturing, which may explain these impulsive behaviors.

What is the prefrontal cortex?


This term is used when the environment and environmental factors impact development and alter health trajectories across the lifespan of the child during the prenatal stage.

What is fetal programming?


Dito demonstrates this idea when she plays hide and seek and stands behind a thin pole so that she can’t see the seeker and believes the seeker can’t see her.

What is an example of egotism?


This term describes the temporary assistance or support a teacher or peer provides to help a learner.

What is scaffolding?


Ben has begun to be able to hear new vocabulary just once and be able to store it in his word bank for his own use. 

What is fast-mapping?


After an injury, Cole practices using his non-dominant hand for everyday tasks like brushing his teeth and eating. Over time, he becomes more skilled with his non-dominant hand. This phenomenon is allowing Cole's brain to adapt to this new skill.

What is neuroplasticity?


The term for the prenatal period when most of the major organs and body structures are formed.

What is the embryonic stage?


Sydney sees a dog and exclaims, “kitty!” This is an example of a child trying to fit new information into their existing categories.

What is an example of assimilation?


Gray and Georgia, preschool aged children, are on a balance beam pretending they are pirates walking a plank, demonstrating a concept Vygotsky believes is crucial to childhood development.

What is pretend play?


The innate mechanism that prepares us to learn language structure, according to the Nativist Theory.

What is the LAD (Language Acquisition Device)?


Sheila goes to bed at 9pm and wakes up at 6:30 am on weekdays. On weekends she goes to bed at 1am and wakes up at noon. She feels exhausted during the week and often says “I feel like I’ve gone to one time zone and back!”

What is Social Jetlag?


Charlotte consumed alcohol frequently before knowing she was pregnant, and her child was later diagnosed with cognitive and physical abnormalities, demonstrating this syndrome.  

What is an example of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?


Molly watches two cups with equal amounts of juice being poured into taller, thinner glasses. When asked if the amounts are still the same, Molly confidently says yes, demonstrating a failure of conservation, suggesting she is in this stage of development.

What is an example of the Preoperational stage?


This is what is being measured on the x-axis of the Zone of Proximal Development graph.

What is the level of competence?


Maisie has this gene and has had a normal progression of language development whereas this gene is not present in Grace who has progressed abnormally in her language development.

What is FOX-P2?


This term refers to the creation of new synapses.

What is synaptogenesis?


Trey's classmates are going around and sharing their earliest memories but Trey can't seem to retrieve any memories before the age of 3, demonstrating this concept.

What is an example of Infantile Amnesia?


Delaney, a 2 year old, now understands that objects exist even when she can’t see them. She plays peek-a-boo and knows her parents are still there when their faces are hidden, meaning she has most likely completed this stage.

What is an example of the Sensorimotor stage?


Amy is able to answer all the math questions the teacher asks in class easily, independently, and without any assistance.

What is Boredom on the ZPD graph?


This baby’s babbling has started to resemble household language such as “ma-ma.”

What is the second stage of language development?


This is where adult neurogenesis happens.

What is the hippocampus and amygdala?