What Cognitive Distortion is it?
What Cognitive Distortion is it?
Cognitive Distortion Example
Reframing Practice

You jump to the worst possible conclusion in every scenario, no matter how improbable it is.



This sneaky distortion takes one instance or example and generalizes it to an overall pattern.



It’s performance review time at your company, and your manager compliments your hard work several times. In the end, they make one improvement suggestion. You leave the meeting feeling miserable and dwell on that one suggestion all day long.



"I will never be happy"

Examples: "I may be unhappy now but that will pass." "I have been happy before and I will be happy again."


Draining and straining all positives in a situation and, instead, dwelling on its negatives.



Distortion that manifests as the inaccurate belief that we know what another person is thinking



You’ve decided to eat healthy foods. But today, you didn’t have time to prepare a meal, so you eat a bacon burger. This immediately leads you to conclude that you’ve ruined your healthy eating routine, so you decide to no longer even try.

All or nothing thinking/black and white thinking


I should give my friend money because he asked me for it.

Examples: "I wish I could loan him money but I cannot afford it." "I want to give my friend money because it makes me feel good and I have enough to spare."


This is when we look at our strengths and trivialize them.

Minimization/discounting the positive


This is when we apply simplistic and unfair definitions that are probably wrong or more likely incomplete on ourselves and others.



I'll never get the job I applied for, so there's no point in even trying. My anxiety will always hold me back.

Fortune telling/magical thinking


He didn't say Hi to me this morning so he must be mad at me for something I did.

"There are many reasons why he did not say Hi to me. It's probably not personal." "I will check in with him later and make sure everything is ok"


This is when we see ourselves as the cause of negative events that we are not responsible for.



This happens when we blow a negative event out of proportion.


I should be able to cope better with my depression now.

Should statements


I know I am going to have a panic attack when I go the party tomorrow so I should just cancel my plans now.

"I can practice my coping skills if I start to feel anxious and I can leave the party if I start to panic. But I should at least give it a try." "I do not know for certain that I will have a panic attack." "I have been to these types of parties before and I have never had a panic attack. I will probably be fine."


I feel it, therefore it must be true.

Emotional reasoning


This is when we see things in black and white categories. There is no grey area.

All or nothing/Black and white


I am having bad vibes about my partner and his colleague. They must be cheating. 

Fortune telling/emotional reasoning.


I have had a headache for two days. I must have a brain tumor.

"Headaches are common and happen occasionally." "If my headache doesn't go away in a day I will make an appointment with my PCP to check it out." "I am under a lot of stress and my body is probably telling me I need to take it easy."