Name that distortion!
When we interpret in extremes, black and white.
All-or-nothing thinking
What is a cognitive distortion?
Messed up thinking!!!!
Name that distortion!
When we perceive a single negative event as a never ending pattern of defeat, we draw flawed conclusions based on one of few experiences.
"One time, I couldn't tie my shoe. I can NEVER tie my shoe!!!"
You pay more attention to bad things, annd ignore when something good happends
Ignoring the Good
ex. "Froggy was fighting cow, and he slipped on time. And even though he won the fight, all he could think about was the time he slipped."
Making a really big deal out of something small, or making something a little bit bad seem like the worst thing ever.
Blowing Things Up
ex. "When I didn't get the ice cream flavor you wanted, and you called 12 managers to rage about it."