Definitions A
Definitions B
Distortion Identification A
Distortion Identification B
Cognitive Restructuring Techniques

This cognitive distortion is a way of thinking that uses extreme ends of a positive and negative spectrum with no room in between.

All or Nothing/Black and White Thinking


This cognitive distortion leads to us believing that nothing will change from how they currently are based on one or a few events.



I got 98 out of 100 on my employee evaluation, I'll never be a good employee. 

All or Nothing/Black and White Thinking, Magnification/Minimization


I completed a big project I've been working on for weeks, but it could have been completed by anyone. It was no big deal.

Discounting the Positives, Magnification/Minimization


If you view life in extremes of positives or negatives, consider finding a balance between the two. Example: I didn't get a perfect score here, now I know where I can improve. 

Think in shades of Grey


This cognitive distortion defines us and others with one word or quality.



This distortion involves exaggerating or magnifying the significance of negative events or experiences while downplaying or minimizing positive events or qualities.



This person yawns every few minutes as I talk to them, I must be really boring.

Jumping to Conclusions: Mind Reading, Personalization & Blame


I feel helpless and unloved. Therefore, I am helpless and unloved.

Emotional Reasoning


this is an option when you feel like you are getting overwhelmed because of your thoughts and want to write them down to better understand what is going on for you. 

Thought Tracking 


This cognitive distortion gives the assumption that we know what other people think and feel about us without having adequate evidence.

Jumping to Conclusions: Mind Reading


This cognitive distortion makes us think that we shouldn't count our accomplishments or positive qualities.

Discounting the Positives


They haven't spoken to me in weeks, I probably did something to make them mad.

Personalization and Blame, Jumping to Conclusions: Mind Reading


My first date was horrible. I'm going to end up spending the rest of my life miserable and alone

Overgeneralization, Catastrophizing


If you tend to put yourself down for mistakes that you make, pretend to talk to yourself as if you were a close friend. 

Double Standard Method


This cognitive distortions leads us to believe that our emotional thoughts reflect reality

Emotional Reasoning


This cognitive distortion makes us believe we are responsible for events outside of our own control.

Personalization and Blame


Wherever I go everyone sees me as a thief.

Labeling, Overgeneralization


I must be perfect or else everyone will hate me.

Shoulding and Musting, All-or-Nothing Thinking


If you feel that you are internalizing a negative experience, consider thinking about other reasons for something to happen outside of yourself. Example: Instead of thinking someone did not speak because they dislike you, you could think there is a lot on their mind or they did not see you.

Remove Yourself from the Equation


This cognitive distortion makes us think of the worst case scenario.



This cognitive distortion sets unrealistic expectations of ourselves and often includes words like "should" and "must". 

Shoulding and Musting


If I mess up this presentation then everyone will think I'm a fraud and no one will ever trust me to do anything again.

Catastrophizing, All-or-Nothing Thinking


I made a typo in an email announcing the confirmation of a sale, I'm going to get fired.

Magnification/Minimization, Catastrophizing


Identify cognitive distortions, examine the evidence, challenge the distortion, and develop an alternate positive thought. 

Socratic Questioning Method