What's this thinking error? Things are good or bad, high or low
Black & White thinking/ Polarized thinking
I am going to get this wrong.
Thought- what is a feeling you have when you think you're going to get something wrong?
Rational- sometimes things suck
Identify where in your body you feel anxiety.
Good job!
Basketball, soccer, swimming, football
Should statements
Feeling hot and clenching fists.
Behavior- what a feeling you have when you feel hot and clench your fists?
"I am so mad"
Rational- anger is a feeling and it's ok to feel angry
List 2 relaxing activities you can use to center yourself.
In for 4, out for 4, in for 4, out for 4.
Deep breathing
What's this thinking error? Magnifying or minimizing a situation: a small problem becomes huge and out of control.
Feeling- what is a thought you have when you feel lonely?
"It feels like I have nothing to live for."
Describe a situation where mindfulness exercise/deep breathing would be helpful for you.
Thank you!
Headphones on, zoning out
Listening to music
Emotional Reasoning
I am worthless.
Thought- what's a feeling behind this thought?
"My girlfriend is going to break up with me because we had a fight."
Irrational- Healthy relationships fight. What is the truth of this thought?
You have to present your project in front of the class and you have a fear of public speaking. Give an example of positive self-talk.
Way to go!
Picture a place you love and feel safe. Imagine yourself there and go through all 5 senses.
Focus on the negative/ Fortune telling
"Katie didn't say hi to me this morning, she doesn't like me."
Irrational- what other reasons might she not say hi?
A form of relaxation one can use when beginning to feel highly anxious/overwhelmed is...
Deep breathing
I tense up my toes & then let go, then my calves, then further up until I've tensed and released all of my muscles.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation