Research Discussion
Prototypes and Exemplars
Types of Speech Errors
Producing Language
What are the independent and dependent variables in the testing effect article?
EX1) IV- learning condition (restudy, or test); Delay of final test ( 5min, 2 days, or 1 week) DV- score on final test EX2) IV- Learning condition (SSSS, SSST, or STTT), Delay of final test (5 min, or 1 week) DV- Scores on final tests.
The meaning of any word or concept consists of a set of elements called _______?
What is a phoneme?
The smallest segment that if changed can affect the meaning. Changing the B in Buck to an F.
Provide an example of a Perseveration.
A Silly Sistake
What are inferences?
Understanding information that's not explicitly stated
What are the 3 conditions in Experiment 2 in the testing effect article?
What are Rosch's 3 levels of Categories? Give an example of each.
Superordinate (Furniture), Basic (Table), Subordinate (Coffee Table)
What is a morpheme?
Smallest meaningful units of words- root words; prefixes/suffixes
What are the 3 types of exchanges? and give an example of each.
Phoneme (Fleaky Squoor), Morpheme (Slicely Thinned), Word ( I have to fill my gas up with car)
What are the 3 types of inferences?
Anaphoric, instrumental, Causal
What is the hypothesis of the testing-effect article?
Studying then testing will help memory recall for long term memory, as studying then studying again will increase memory for immediate recall but will hinder recall for long term retention.
What is the exemplar approach? and what is the prototype approach?
Exemplar: When you compare stimuli to the standard category member. Prototype: When you compare stimuli to the average characteristics of all category members.
Name 3 or the 5 characteristics of all human languages.
Semanticity, Arbitrariness, Flexibility & Naming, Displacement, and Productivity
What is word substitution and give an example.
Substitute an opposite word. "Now that daylight savings time is over, it gets light at 4:30pm"
The old man the boat is an example of a what?
Garden-path sentence
Did the results from the testing effect support or deny the hypothesis presented? Explain.
The overall pattern in the results supports the posed hypothesis because it shows that multiple testing opportunities helps with long term recall, as multiple studying opportunities helps with short term recall.
Are basic levels the same for everyone? Why?
No, because an expert in a certain field would say that Bluebird would be a basic level for them, where someone who is not a bird watcher would say bird.
Describe the Waiting Room Experiment.
Participants' voices were recorded in the waiting area before the experiment. During the experiment, they heard their own individual words without context. Participants could only recognize half of their own words
Name 5 out of the 7 types of speech errors.
Phoneme exchange, Morpheme exchange, Word exchanges, Word substitution, Perseveration, Blend, or Spoonerism.
What is Syntactic Priming?
When the production of a specific grammatical construction by one person increases the chances that the same construction will be used by the other person.
Why is the testing effect study important? How might it be applied in real life?
This study is important because it shows another benefit for memory. Taking tests, even when tests results are not given greatly improves memory for long term results, compared to just studying the given material. It would be beneficial for students to take multiple tests throughout the semester in order to test their knowledge of the topics discussed, rather than only studying the material. This would increase their test performance when exams are taken.
In the Basic Level Experiment when was their faster identification?
Faster identification if preceded by basic-level than superordinate-level categories.
What did they do in the Cough Experiment?
Replaced single sounds with a cough. Participants heard a word congruent with the sentence content.
What was Spooners toast to Her Highness Victoria? What should it have said?
Said- Three cheers for our queer old dean. Should have said- Three cheers for our dear old queen.
What is the difference between linguistic competence and linguistic performance?
C: Underlying linguistic knowledge that lets people produce and comprehend their language. P: People's actual use of the knowledge.