The outer layer of the brain responsible for higher-level thinking, including memory and problem-solving.
Cerebral Cortex
The initial stage of memory that holds sensory information for a very brief period of time.
Sensory Memory
The type of memory that has a virtually unlimited capacity and can last from minutes to a lifetime.
Long Term Memory
In the three-stage model of memory, this stage involves maintaining encoded information over time.
Performance Skill in the OTPF-IV is described as "Does not look away from task performance, maintaining the ongoing task progression."
These memory aids, like acronyms or rhymes, help facilitate the encoding and retrieval of information.
The type of memory that has a limited capacity and duration, typically holding information for about 20-30 seconds.
Short Term Memories
This type of memory involves consciously recalling specific information, such as facts or events.
Explicit Memory
What process involves accessing and bringing into consciousness information stored in memory?
Performance Skill in the OTPF-IV is described as "Starts or begins the next task action or task step without any hesitation."
Brain structure that plays a crucial role in the formation of new memories.
Term that describes memory to carry out future events.
Prospective Memory
This type of explicit memory involves the recollection of specific events, situations, and experiences.
Episodic Memory
This process involves transforming sensory information into a form that can be stored in memory.
Performance Skill in the OTPF-IV described as "Performs steps in an effective or logical order and with an absence of randomness in the ordering or inappropriate repetition of steps."
The part of the brain that is important to STM and is part of the process of searching for & retrieving information from LTM.
Pre-frontal Area
The term that describes the memory to recall facts.
Semantic Memory
The type of amnesia that occurs in response to trauma or a particularly difficult experience.
Emotional Amnesia or Dissociative Amnesia
This memory impairment affects the ability to recall memories formed before a traumatic event.
Retrograde Amnesia
Mental Function in the OTPF-IV described as "Judgment, concept formation, metacognition, executive functions, praxis, cognitive flexibility, insight".
Higher Level Cognitive
This brain structure, often associated with emotions, also plays a role in the formation and storage of emotional memories.
The type of memory that involves the unconscious recall of information, such as skills and habits.
Implicit Memory
The Conceptual Framework for examining cognition.
Cognitive-Information Processing Model
What memory deficit prevents the formation of new memories after a specific event, often due to damage to the hippocampus?
Anterograde Amnesia
Mental Function in the OTPF-IV described as "State of awareness and alertness, including the clarity and continuity of the wakeful state".