Models of Memory
Schema Theory
Emotion and Cognition
Biases in Thinking and Decision Making
HL Extension: Technology

Proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin, a memory model that contains various stores of memory and the processing of memory.

What is the Multi-Store Memory Model


These are cognitive structures that are used to organize our knowledge, to assist recall, to guide behavior, to predict likely happenings and to help us to make sense of current experiences. They simplify reality, setting up expectations about what is probable in relation to particular social and textual contexts. They are culturally specific but may vary even within a single culture because of such factors of class.

What is a schema


What is the theory of Flashbulb Memory? 

Flashbulb memories are vivid memories of circumstances in which one first learned of a surprising and emotionally arousing event. Proposed by Roger Brown and James Kulik


The function is to 

modify information; we break down information into lesser parts (analysis), bring different pieces of information together (synthesis), relate certain pieces of information to a certain category (categorization), make conclusions and inferences, and so on.

What is Thinking


Name one study that aimed to develop the interaction between Digital Technology and Cognitive Skills.

Rosser et al (2007) aim: to show the effect of digital technology on the cognitive process, used surgeons and their consistency of video games and their performance as a surgeon.


Baddeley and Hitch proposed this model, it deals strictly with the breakdown of STM.

What is the Working Memory Model


To Investigate whether people's memory for objects in a room (an office) is influenced by existing schemas about what to expect in an office.

Brewer and Treyens (1981)


What did Sharrot et al aim to study? and which method was used in the gathering of data?

To determine the potential role of biological factors on flashbulb memories. Quasi-Experiment, with a questionnaire. 


What is a cognitive process that involves selecting one of the possible beliefs or actions, that is, making a choice between some alternatives?

What is Decision Making


Small and Vorgan (2008) aimed to study the negative effects of long-term exposure to technology, what were the results of the research? Give 3 outcomes

They found long-term exposure to digital technology, such as video games, caused addiction, reduced judgment, and decision-making abilities, diminished capacity for delay of gratification, lowered academic performance, aggressive behavior and decreases prosocial behavior. This study was a meta-analysis.


The aim of Glanzer & Cunitz (1966), which model of memory can this be used in support of?

performed an early study of serial position effect. Multi-Store Memory Model.


This studied aimed to investigate how the memory of a story is affected by previous knowledge. Wanted to see if cultural background and unfamiliarity with a text would lead to distortion of memory when the story was recalled. 

Bartlett (1932)- Wa of Ghosts


What is the aim of Neisser and Harsch (1992)? Which method was used in the gathering of data?

To test the theory of FBM through investigating the extent to which a memory of a shocking event (challenger disaster) would be accurate after a period of time. Questionnaire (Quantitative)/ Semi-structured Interviews.


Daniel Kahneman proposed this theory in 2003 as an extension to the information-processing approach.

Dual Processing Theory


Sanchez (2012) used an experiment to study whether there were positive effects of video games on science learning. True or false, playing video games that contain applicable knowledge, such as spatial training, improve academic performance?

True, Sanchez concluded that the spatial training aspect of the video game created a higher score on an essay.


The aim of Baddeley et al (1975), which model did the study support?

To test the effect of word length on memory span. The Working Memory Model.


True or false these are all criticism of Schema Theory: 

the theory is that it is not entirely clear how schemas are acquired in the first place and how they influence cognitive processes. It is not possible to actually observe schema processing taking place within the brain.



How do you trigger the unique neural basis of Flashbulb Memory?

The experience has to be personal to the individual.


Jacowitz and Kahneman (1995) aimed to test the effects of this bias on thinking and decision making. Researchers told participants in the San Francisco Exploratorium about the environmental damage caused by oil tankers in the Pacific Ocean and asked about their willingness to make an annual contribution to "save 50,000 offshore Pacific Coast seabirds from small offshore oil spills, until ways are found to prevent spills or require tanker owners to pay for the operation."

What is Anchoring Bias, Anchoring or focalism is a cognitive bias where an individual relies too heavily on an initial piece of information offered when making decisions. Anchoring occurs when, during decision making, an individual relies on an initial piece of information to make subsequent judgments


What did Moreno et al (2012) aim to study? 

the effect of Media induced Multi-Tasking on the daily life of university students. They found that more than half of the students using the internet were multitasking, this shows the scale of multi-tasking in naturalistic academic settings in the modern digital world. This study was a survey/questionnaire. 


Limitations of which model: 

The model is oversimplified. If assumes that each of the stores works as an independent unit.

The model does not explain memory distortion.

The model does not explain why some things may be learned with a minimal amount of rehearsal. The Levels of Processing Theory challenges this model, showing that the way in which we process information may be more important than the frequency of rehearsal.

There are several times that we rehearse information and it is not transferred to LTM.

Multi-Store Memory Model


Which theory supports the idea of schema memory distortion? This theory involves the idea that  It is based on the idea that memories are not saved as complete, coherent wholes. Retrieval of memory is influenced by our perception, our beliefs, past experience, cultural factors and the context in which we are recalling the information. Schema influence what we encode and what we retrieve from memory.

The Theory of Reconstructive Memory

Loftus and Pickrell, aim: To discover whether it is possible to implant an entire false memory for an event that never happened

Loftus and Palmer, aim: to test their hypothesis that the language used in eyewitness testimony can alter memory.


Name 5 types of memory

What is Procedural Memory, episodic memory, LTM, STM, Semantic Memory, Flashbulb Memory


These are mental shortcuts used to make decisions which usually focus on one aspect of a complex problem. These are found in the Dual Processing Model in System 1. There are availability (Blank) and Representative (blank), that deal with individuals own personal biases. Tversky & Kahneman (1981) aimed to investigate the influence of the way a problem is framed to the decision. 

What is Heuristics


Carrier et al aimed to study the effect of (blank) on (Blank). They used a survey/questionnaire to collect data on Media Usage, real-world empathy, virtual empathy, and social support. They found that that online behavior that formed prosocial behavior increased (1st Blank), such as social media, however, they also found that things such as video games decreased (1st Blank). This can be used to develop the idea that the lack of non-verbal cues online has a great effect on our (2nd Blank), such as (1st Blank).

1st Blank- Empathy

2nd Blank- Cognition