PTSD Symptoms
Stuck Points
Challenging Questions
Patterns of Problematic Thinking

Flashbacks, nightmares, and physiological responses are examples of what PTSD symptom category?



Is this a stuck point? Yes/No. Why/why not?

"I should be able to protect others."

Yes. This is a safety related stuck point.


Stuck point: "I should have known I would get hurt."

In what ways may this stuck point not include all of the information?

e.g., hindsight bias - how would you know?


Which pattern of problematic thinking is this an example of?

My partner doesn't let me in or tell me about his feelings. He doesn't love me.

Mind reading (you assume people are thinking negatively of you when there is no definite evidence for this)


What are the five themes of CPT?

Safety, trust, power/control, esteem, intimacy


Survivor guilt, shame, anger, and self-blame are examples of what PTSD symptom category?

Alterations in mood and cognition 


Is this a stuck point? Yes/No. Why/why not?

"I watched as others died."

No. This is a fact. Consider what thoughts you had as this happened and what you think about it now.


Stuck point: "I must be on guard at all times."

In what ways does this stuck point include all-or-none terms?

Must be, at all times


Which pattern of problematic thinking is this an example of?

People have it worse than I do and have experienced the same trauma, so I shouldn't be reacting like this. I'm weak.

Minimizing a situation (shrinking their importance inappropriately)


What theme is this stuck point an example of?

"Others are out to harm me and can be expected to case harm, injury, or loss."

Safety related to others


Disruptions in sleep, irritability, lack of concentration, and hypervigilance are examples of what PTSD symptom category?



Is this a stuck point? Yes/No. Why/why not?

"I am worthless and nobody will ever love me."

Yes. They may be two separate stuck points depending on how much weight these each hold on emotions. These are esteem and intimacy related stuck points.


Tabby was involved in a motor vehicle accident in the rain on a Sunday afternoon. The vehicle that was involved in the MVA was a red Toyota pick-up truck. Since this time, she has developed the belief, "Trucks are dangerous." 

In what ways is this stuck point focused on unrelated parts of the story?

Tabby is overgeneralizing trucks due to the accident. Her stuck point is targeting a safety-related theme.


Which pattern of problematic thinking is this an example of?

I keep forgetting the fact that the perpetrator had a weapon, which is important information about how much control I had.

Ignoring important parts of a situation


What theme is this stuck point an example of?

"I have bad judgement in partners. I always choose the wrong person."

Trust related to self


Feeling detached, emotional numbing, staying busy, and abusing substances are a few examples of what PTSD symptom category?



Is this a stuck point? Yes/No. Why/why not?

"I'm a nervous wreck."

No. This is an emotional state. Consider what you are telling yourself that is making you nervous.


Stuck point: "The military cannot be trusted."

In what ways may this stuck point based on feelings rather than facts?

Facts: bad things have happened in general

Feelings: bad things have happened to me and I have strong emotions about it


Which pattern of problematic thinking is this an example of?

I cried and felt guilt when dad yelled at me when I got hurt, so I must have done something wrong.

Emotional reasoning (using your emotions as proof)


What theme is this stuck point an example of?

"If I let myself think about what has happened, I will never get it out of my mind."

Power/control related to self


What are the four categories of PTSD symptoms?

Re-experiencing, arousal, alterations in mood/ cognition, avoidance

Provide an example of assimilation and over-accommodation

-Assimilation: changing your memories or interpretations of the traumatic event to fit with pre-existing beliefs (e.g., blame yourself for not preventing the event/ forgetting parts to fit with believing you are a bad person)

-Accommodation: changing your beliefs to accept what happened, although it may result in rigid beliefs (e.g., no one can be trusted/ the world is dangerous though I had a good upbringing)

Johnny has experienced childhood trauma and military sexual trauma. Over his lifetime, he has developed the belief, "I deserve to have bad things happen to me." 

How is this stuck point confusing something that is possible with something that is likely?

It is possible that bad things happen to him because he has done something to increase the likelihood. It is NOT likely that he is the cause of these bad things.


Which pattern of problematic thinking is this an example of?

It was wrong for me to run and hide while on deployment.

Oversimplifying things as good/bad or right/wrong


What theme is this stuck point an example of?

"Other people can cope so well and I can't do it. I'm constantly in crisis mode."

Intimacy related to self