Neurons communicate
with each other via these
electrical events
what are ‘action potentials’?
Lobe of the brain the processes visual information for oclor, shape and motion perception.
What is the Occipital Lobe?
This is known as the gateway to all other cognitions.
What is perception?
Cognitive psychologist who said that language is a part of inborn biological programming.
Who is Chomsky?
The idea that individual cells transmit signals in the nervous system, and that these cells are not continuous with other cells as proposed by nervenet theory.
What is the neuron doctrine?
this is the communication channel between the brain and the body.
What is the spinal cord?
This delusion results from the severing of the link between the emotional center of the brain in the amygdala and the visual centers of the brain.
What is Capgras?
This principle of organization says we perceive objects according to the whole,not by adding individual parts together to igure out what we are looking at.
What is Gestalt?
B.F. Skinner used a Skinner Box to demonstrate this concept.
What is Operant Conditioning?
small gap between the end of a neuron’s axon and the dendrites or cell body of
another neuron.
What is a synapse?
Part of the brain that coordinates balance and posture
What is the cerebellum?
These neurons respond to specific stimuli, like orientation, movement and length.
What are feature detectors?
This principle of organization is rooted in the ikelihood principle, which states that we perceive the object that ismost likely to have caused the pattern of stimuli
What is Helmholtz’s Theory
of Unconscious Inference?
Broadbent used this approach to understanding how the brain processes input, modeling after the digital computer.
What is information processing approach?
the metabolic center of the neuron; it
contains mechanisms to keep the cell alive
What is the cell body?
Processes sensory information, such as touch and spatial perception.
What is the parietal lobe?
This concept was demonstrated in an experiment with cats reared in an environment with only one (vertical) type of visual orientation.
What is experience-dependent placticty?
What is Bayesian Principle of Organization?
This cognitive psychologist was among the first to measure reaction time to estimate how long a cognitive process takes.
Who is Donders?
chemical substance/ a signaling
molecule secreted by a neuron to affect another cell
across a synapse.
What is a neurotransmitter?
This is the wrinkled surface of the brain that contains a layer of neurons.
What is the cerebral cortex?
This region of the brain is geared towards processing internal and external stuctures and scenes.
What is the parahippocampal place area?
Refers to processing that invovles information coming through the senses that influences perception.
What is bottom-up processing?
Location of Wundt's first psychology lab in 1879
What is Leipzig, Germany?