Eyewitness ID
Based, on the lecture covering eyewitness ID. There were several factors that led to incarceration. Which one had the highest percentage?
What is DNA exoneration
what are the 3 kind of omissions- which is failures to bring something to mind...
What is transcience, absentmindedness, and blocking
Active or goal driven attention is an example of what type of processing?
What is top-down processing
What is the basic unit of processing in a nervous system?
What is a neuron
What word refers to an experience in which input from 1 sensory system produces an experience not only in that modality but another as well. For example, you may see a number but experience the color orange.
What is synesthesia
What is the term called, as explained in class - when you fail to distinguish a person who is of the opposite race during identification?
What is cross race effect (other race effect)
Detailed, vivid and held in memory for the circumstances surrounding when you first heard about the news. (hint: this is the definition)
What is flashbulb memories
Based on the research article about driving and attention, which condition caused the most problems.
What is the cell phone
What area of the brain is responsible for the formation of long-term memory. Which can affect infant's brain for early childhood memories.
What is hippocampus
There are two processing of perception that are commonly referred to throughout this book.. (*Hint-It was introduced in chapter 2)
What is bottom-up processing and top-down processing.
When constructing a lineup and the lineup members are presented at the same time, and the witness must choose one. What type of lineup is this called?
What is simultaneous
From the time you are born until approximately ages 3 to 4, children's memories are still developing. What is the term associated with it.
What is childhood amnesia
A word that is printed as RED, but the color is mismatched, what is that called..
What is stroop effect
What is the term called when we reflect on our own thinking..
What is metacognition
_______ refers to subjective awareness of what our mind is currently doing.
What is Phenomenal consciousness
During lecture, you were given the definition of weapon focus effect and asked to remember 2 key terms. It is the lack of _______ in memory represented although _______ is remember.
What is peripheral details (Perp) and central details (weapon)
The 3 components of Baddely's working memory model are..
What is phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad, and central executive
The inhibition of control of attention. A persons ability to keep track of multiple streams of information is called..
What is cocktail party phenomenon (operation span)
What area of the brain is responsible for higher aspects of motor control, such as planning and executing complex behaviors.
What is frontal lobe (prefrontal cortex)
Please list the Gestault principles of visual organization
What is similarity, proximity, common fate, synchrony, common region, and closure
Memory is a reconstructive process and is malleable. What is the term for finding that misleading information presented between the encoding of an event and its subsequent recall influences a witness's memory.
What is misinformation effect.
To increase one's limit by recording information, one can combine it into larger and larger "chunks." According to Miller what is the magic number to our memory span?
What is 7 +/- 2 items capacity for memory
According to the Brown-Peterson task, where people witnessed consonants triagram (ASL) immediately followed by 3 digit numbers (347) and asked to count backwards by three from that number.. what did researchers find - How many seconds until they forgot?
What is 20 seconds
How do the two hemispheres communicate, by means of the..
What is corpus callosum
Explained in the book, plainly as we see the forest before we see the trees, is commonly referred to as to what
What is global precedence