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Syntactic structures
A. M. Turing
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Computing machinery and intelligence
Sir Frederic Charles Bartlett
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Remembering : a study in experimental and social psychology
G. A. Miller
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The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information
Edward C. Tolman
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Cognitive maps in rats and men
James J. Gibson
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The senses considered as perceptual systems
Ulric Neisser
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Cognitive psychology
R. N. Shepard
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Mental rotation of three-dimensional objects
Lev Vygotsky
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Thought and language (Myshlenie i rech'.)
J. Ridley Stroop
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Studies of interference in serial verbal reactions
R. W. Sperry
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Hemisphere deconnnection and unity in conscious awareness
D. Kahneman
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On the psychology of prediction
G. Sperling
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The information available in brief visual presentations
E. Tulving
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Encoding specificity and retrieval processes in episodic memory
S. Sternberg
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High-speed memory scanning in human memory
Benjamin Lee Whorf
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Language, thought and reality : selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf
F. I. M. Craik and R. S. Lockhart
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Levels of processing : a framework for memory research
Irving Biederman
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Recognition-by-components: a theory of human image understanding
R. C. Atkinson and R. M. Shiffrin
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"Human memory : a proposed system and its control processes"
Donald Eric Broadbent
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Perception and communication
David Marr
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Vision : a computational investigation into the human representation and processing of visual information
Herbert A. Simon
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Human problem solving
Kurt Koffka
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Principles of gestalt psychology
D. Hubel.
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Segregation of form, color, movement and depth : anatomy, physiology and perception
J. O'Keefe and L. Nadel
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The hippocampus as a cognitive map