This is a concentration of mental effort of a particular stimulus. It may be divided or focused
What is attention?
This is a cognitive ability that allows the realization that people are different from each other
This is giving an affirmative but incorrect answer to a questions
This is where Andrade's sample came from
UK's medical research council unit for cognitive research ( a previous study)
This group had 103 students with no diagnosis. An average age of 20.8, and was gathered from the University of Cambridge
This is where the children were from in Pozzulo et al.
How does doodling assist information processing?
This correlation was being investigated in Baron-Cohen et al
Relationship between AQ scores and Eye-test results
What is identification and rejection of a cartoon character
This ethic was broken when the participants were given a surprise test
Deception, Informed consent, protection from harm
This is how psychological protection was broken in Baron-Cohen et al.
Groups were identified as "normal" and "impaired"
These were the ethical guidelines were upheld
Right to Withdraw, Protection and Informed Consent
This is how many false alarms the control group made in Andrade
There was a small but significant difference for the AQ test between what group of participants
Who are the male and female students
All 4 hypotheses (children similar to adults identifying cartoons, children less accurate identifying and rejecting humans)
This made it difficult to distinguish between the two conclusions
what is "no measure of daydreaming"
This conclusion is validated from the gender test results
AS/HFA individuals have a specific deficit in a processes that should help identify emotions in other individuals
Social factors play a larger part in target-absent for who
What are children
Describe the mock telephone call
2.56 minutes, monotonous voice, 227 words per minute
This is how the researchers received the AQ questionnaire
What is the mail
Describe the videos that the children and adults watched
Four videos, 6-second clip that showed 2-3 seconds of the target