Literary term for a word that comes from the sound that something makes. (WHOOSH, DING etc.)
Eternal slogan for the homeland of Marvel's Black Panther & his favorite mall retail clothier
Wakanda Forever 21
We'll give you the shows, you'll give us the city in which they were mainly set: iCarly & grey's anatomy
The hottest pepper in the world in 2013 was from this Caribbean country
Trinidad and Tobago
To make it sounds less harsh, someone may say "He passed way" instead of died.
Add sodium to glutamic acid & you end up with this 3-letter flavor enhancer
Here's your K ration for today: this is the study of the mechanics & anatomy of movement
The country where WW1 started
The sun walked around the earth
September 1 1939: German troops invade this country
The scientific name for a red blood cell
Which Caribbean country has a reputation for tax incentives?
Cayman Islands
Nouns that name group of people or things
Collective noun
Numerical phrase for unflinchingly honest especially with regard to the British/French conflict that lasted from 1337 to 1453
100 Years War
The lower end of this arm bone includes 2 projections called epicondyles; wait that's not funny at all
By 1833 Spain had lost all of its empire in the New World except this territory
An example of this kind of sentence would be: Sue swimming in the lake.
Sentence Fragment
In baseball you do this to avoid being thrown out as a runner; in meetings it means to follow up with a person
Touch base
The position of reference for anatomical nomenclature
Anatomical Position