Email Basics
Email Campaigns
Cold Calling Stats
More CC Stats
Pipeline Mgt Emails

Monday am, followed by Wednesday am. 

What is the best time to send an email to my prospects. (25% better and 15% better than sample average, respectively than other times). Friday, Saturday and Sundays are worst (from -20-70% below sample average) See Slide #16

Unique or Customized 

What is an email created and sent that addresses an individual customer, usually personalized, customized or unique to your relationship and to that customer's journey stage




What is 2% of today’s cold calls actually result in a meeting or demo scheduled




8 attempts

The number of cold call attempts it takes to reach a prospect (up from 3.68 in 2007). Why do you suppose? 

Lesson - don't give up first of all. 44% of sales reps gave up after just 1 f-up attempt!  


Within 24 hours is the ideal 

What is following up whenever we have a live conversation or completed demonstration with our prospects. 


No more than 100 words, preferably 25-50. 

What is the ideal length of an email's copy. Slide #36


List, 2-ways

What is a Pardot list email and a SF list email



What is 63% of sales professionals say cold calling is their least favorite part of their jobs


Wednesdays and Thursdays

What are the two best days to connect w/customers cold calling on the phone

At least 2 customer requirements or pain points 
What is the goal to achieve in your first live conversation with a prospect 

4 words or less

What is the ideal length of a Subject Header. And remember, personalizing it to appear similar to what they receive at work or relevant to their world is important. E.G. CHEM 101 Lab (3 words) - See Slide #19


The type of email we use when addressing a Lab Coordinator's self-educating or discovery part of their journey

Unique or Customized 


Our 1-2 Punch 

What is our cold calling sales process - make the call using a course or account report, followed by an email with a call to action 

Two part question for 300 points: 

Between 4 and 5 pm

Between 11am and 2 pm

What are the best and worst times of the day to expect to reach your prospects 


The decision-makers, the decision process, how the decision is going to be made and when the decision is going to be made 

What is the information I need to have and know in order to feel confident moving my opportunity to the "Proposal" stage (and even earlier is better!). And it is confirmed along the way in an email. 

Over a 500% reply rate when using this in your header

What is "I was referred by X" 

See Slide 25


After our initial Chairs outreach, we need a continuing campaign. True/False

False (Jamie created this 4-content marketing copy drop in April for us) 



                                                        B2B buyers are 5x more likely to engage with sales professionals who are able to provide new insights into their ________.




Approximately 900, probably on the liberal side 

What are the number of lab coordinators who represent my contact targets across 8 lab courses at 75 accounts (>8K enrollment), assuming 1.5 decision-makers per course. Assume 5 weeks of office time - 25 days - just calling them once requires 36 phone calls per day!


A Call To Action (ABC) 

What is wording I include in all my follow up email after my prospect has completed a demo

Only 1. 

What is limiting the use of a question or a hyperlink to just 1 in an email to optimize reply rates. See Slides 39 and 40. Also see Slide 35  to see the impact of personalization in your emails (20% of the content - 10% up front, 10% to close is ideal structure)

  • More than just business.
  • Added Value.
  • A good story.
  • Brevity.
  • Timing.
  • Very focused (segmentation)
  • They are worth talking about.

What are 7 characteristics of highly effective marketing email campaigns



82% of customers feel that their sales reps are ______________(fill in the blank).                                                          

....unprepared for a requirements and value-based conversation 


14% words we use, 86% tone 

What researchers say are what leads to the most meetings booked during a live cold call conversation. So be confident and relaxed. And interestingly, prospects respond best to conversations lasting no more than 10 minutes. 


Embedding a Vidyard

What is using this customized media tool during every stage of the sales process moving my opps down the funnel of my pipeline this sales cycle. Slide #41 & #42