This term refers to the continuous temperature-controlled supply chain required to transport perishable goods safely.
What is the cold chain?
This frozen substance, often used for transporting frozen goods, sublimates rather than melting.
What is dry ice?
This is the first thing you should do.
What is complete the Cold Chain Questionnaire?
The three primary temperature ranges for cold chain logistics are frozen, refrigerated, and this third category.
What is controlled room temperature and or ambient
A common alternative to EPS foam, this biodegradable material provides insulation while being eco-friendly.
What is starch-based foam?
This U.S. agency regulates the safe transport of temperature-sensitive pharmaceuticals.
What is the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)?
This type of insulation, traditionally used in cold chain packaging, is lightweight, cost effective, and provides thermal resistance.
What is expanded polystyrene (EPS)?
These smart packaging components monitor and record temperature changes throughout the shipping process.
What are data loggers?
This cold chain issue occurs when temperature sensitive goods are exposed to higher or colder than required temperature range.
What is a temperature excursion?
This type of refrigerant can be made at a specific temperature to guard against heat and or cold.
What are phase change material packs?
Used to transport high value medications with the highest R-value available.
What are vacuum-insulated panels (VIPs)?
Airlines and international logistics providers follow this set of temperature control standards for pharmaceuticals.
What is IATA’s Temperature Control Regulations (TCR)?
Name one way to identify Cold Chain Opportunities?
•freezers and/or refrigerators on site
•EPS and/or polyurethane coolers
• boxes printed with “perishable”
•blue dry ice carts or pallets of frozen gel packs near the pack area
•ship temperature-sensitive products
This sustainable but non curb side recyclable substrate has a higher R-value than cellulose.
What is cotton denim insulation?
Software that helps customer optimize dry ice usage based on carrier delivery results.
What is predictive analytics?