Cold War 1
Cold War 2
Cold War 3
Cold War 4
Cold War 5

This is the term given to the widespread fear of communism in the US after WWII.

What is the (second) Red Scare?


The competition between nations regarding the spread of either Capitalism or Communism

What is the Cold War?


The country that was trying to contain communism.

What is the U.S.?


The communist country that U.S. was most afraid of during the Cold War.

What is the USSR or the Soviet Union or Russia?


This man was leader of hte Chinese Communists

Mao Zedong


Winston Churchill used this phrase to describe how Eastern Europe was divided from Western Europe.

What is the Iron Curtain?


The Truman Doctrine and the policy of ______established the strategy of keeping communism within its existing borders.



This President favored limited warfare in Korea

Harry S. Truman


Name the German city that was divided into Soviet, American, British and French controlled sections after WWII.

What is Berlin?


This General landed at Inchon to launch a counteroffensive against North Korea

Douglas MacArthur


The line between North Korea and South Korea is called ___________.  It is also the location of the DMZ (demilitarized zone).

What is the 38th parallel?


This European nation was divided immediately after WWII and was later reunited in 1990.

What is Germany?


This Asian country fell to Communism in 1949, and aided North Korea during the Korean War

What is China?


This war ended in a stalemate at the 38th parallel

What is the Korean War?


Who was the astronaut aboard the first Mecury space mission to orbit the earth, and in what year did this historic mission take place?

John Glenn in 1962


This was the term given when the US and the Soviet Union competed to stockpile the largest amount of nuclear weapons

What is the Arms Race?


This multinational military organization was created for the purpose of mutual defense and collective security for the western European nations. It is still around today

What is NATO?


This man led a witchhunt against suspected communists and ruined many people's careers and reputations. His baseless accusations were exposed and he was humiliated. He died of alcoholism 3 years later.

Who is Joseph McCarthy?


Theory that if one nation falls, its neighbors will fall.

What is Domino Theory?


this organization  carried out secret operations in other countries during the Cold War

Central Intelligence Agency


In response to NATO, the Soviet Union created their own international military organization to counter-act what the US and other western nations were doing during the Cold War.

What is the Warsaw Pact?


What was the purpose of the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)?

To investigate and identify Communist threats in the US


When Communist troops from the northern part of this country attacked the southern part of this country (which was democratic), the US and UN troops intervened.

What is Korea?


This Soviet spacecraft was the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth, marking the beginning of the Space Race. What is its name, and in what year was it launched?

What is Sputnik 1, and it was launched in October of 1957.


This Soviet cosmonaut made history as the first human to journey into outer space. Who is this pioneering individual, and in what year did this historic spaceflight occur?

Who is Yuri Gagarin in 1961