Cold War and Early 2000s
Middle Ages and Renaissance
Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment
Industrialization and Imperialism
What was the Cold War?

A rivalry between Soviet Union and the U.S. with no direct battles between them but affecting other countries with their disagreements about how the world should work.


What was the Renaissance?

Renaissance means "rebirth" and it was a reinterest in education and the arts, specifically to return to the classics of ancient rome and greece.


Why did the French Revolution start and how did it end?

It started because the social classes were disproportionate in their riches, the majority of the people were very poor and had almost no rights. The King did not help the situation. 

After Napoleon was exiled and the rest of Europe got together to put the continent together. 

Event that led to the start of WW1

The assasination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand


What is Imperialism?

When a country has direct or indirect control of another nation


The terrorist attack with the largest amount of deaths till this day

The attack on the twin towers in New York City by the military Islamic group al-Qaeda


What was the social and economic system used during the Middle Ages?



What was the Scientific Revolution?

When Europeans started to think differently about science, which led to the use of experiments. 


Dictators during WW2 

Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini


What was the scramble for Africa?

When European nations got together to peacefully distribute which areas of Africa they would take as colonies.


Event that nearly caused the United States and the Soviet Union to wage nuclear war

Cuban Missile Crisis. Which was when the Soviet Union put missiles in Cuba that could reach the United States and the U.S. pointed their missiles in Turkey and Italy towards the Soviet Union.


Who were some of the most important artists during the Renaissance?

Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, William Shakespeare, Donatello, Raphael


What was the first Revolution for Independence in America and why did it start?

The American Revolution, because the colonies began to look toward self-government with a representative government and no longer wanted to pay the high taxes that the British were imposing on them.


Event that led to the end of WW2

The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Economic system where machines do work that was once performed by animals and humans.



Why was the Berlin Wall made and how did it fall?

To stop the migration of people from East Berlin into West Berlin. It fell in 1989 once reforms were made so that people could travel more easily and then the people tore it down themselves.

What was the name of the warriors on horses that fought to protect the lands of lords during the Middle Ages?



Who were some of the major figures of the Scientific Revolution?

Galileo, Isaac Newton, René Descartes, Francis Bacon


What document was made to end WW1 and establish how the damages done by the war would be repayed?

Treaty of Versailles


What was the first invention during the Industrialization and what was the most important invention in transportation at the time?

The spinning jenny and the railroad


What is the difference between communism and capitalism?

In a communist system everything is shared and government property. In a capitalist system, there is free enterprise and private property.


Name of the network of routes used by traders that passed from Asia to Europe

Silk Road


What was an effect of the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment?

An age of exploration

What was the name of the event when the Nazis tried to eliminate all Jewish people in Europe?



Which were the main 2 European countries that took control of America as their colonies?

Britain and Spain