Soviets at Fault
US at Fault

What is the treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, ended World War I, imposing harsh terms on Germany, including territorial losses, military restrictions, and reparations payments. Its terms contributed to economic hardship and resentment in Germany, fueling conditions that led to World War II.


How many division were made of post war Germany



What was the Marshall plan

The Marshall Plan was a U.S. initiative (1948-1951) providing aid to Western Europe for post-World War II recovery, aimed at fostering economic stability and countering Soviet influence.


What was the first apush term from our readings?

Bering Strait


What is the first red scare

The First Red Scare was a period in the United States during the early 20th century, characterized by anti-communist hysteria following World War I, targeting perceived radicals and immigrants.


Who was Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin was the ruthless Soviet leader who ruled from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953, centralizing power and implementing policies that led to millions of deaths.


What is Nato

NATO is a military alliance of North American and European countries for collective defense against external threats.


What is the last thing you ate

Food related!


What happened in the Potsdam and Yalta conferences

The Yalta Conference (1945) discussed post-World War II Europe, deciding on spheres of influence and plans for the United Nations. Potsdam Conference (1945) addressed postwar Europe, including the demilitarization and reconstruction of Germany.


Who was Jan Masaryk

Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia


Why did Nato anger the Soviet Union

The creation of NATO by Western powers alarmed the Soviet Union as it perceived NATO's expansion as encroaching on its sphere of influence. NATO's collective defense stance threatened Soviet interests and intensified Cold War tensions, leading to arms races and proxy conflicts.


Whos TP was the best so far

This one

Explain the differences between Capitalism and communism.

Capitalism is an economic system where private individuals own the means of production, emphasizing competition and profit. Communism advocates for collective ownership, aiming to eliminate class distinctions and distribute resources equally among citizens.


Why did the Berlin Blockade occur?

Creation of the Deutschmark in parts of Germany under allied control, this undermined Soviet Influence.

Name an action America took that angered the Soviet Union.

Ex. Trade Restrictions: During the Cold War, the US imposed trade restrictions on the USSR, limiting technology exports and embargoing certain goods to contain Soviet influence and pressure its economy, exacerbating tensions between the superpowers.


Say the first 3 words of the constitution backwards

People the we!


What was the Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution was a series of revolutions in 1917 that overthrew the Tsarist autocracy, leading to the establishment of the Soviet Union under Bolshevik leadership.


Name every Soviet Satellite State following WW2.

Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, Romania, and Bulgaria


What is Mcarthyism?

McCarthyism refers to the anti-communist witch hunts in the U.S. during the 1950s, led by Senator Joseph McCarthy, targeting alleged communists and subversives, often through unfounded accusations and fear-mongering.


Stand on your desk and salute the flag

Good job!