Terms Continued

This Wisconsin senator is responsible for falsely accusing hundreds of Americans for being communists.

Who is Joseph McCarthy?


This conflict was considered a proxy war between the US and USSR. From 1950-1953, over 4 million causalities were recorded, yet almost no land was lost or gained.

What is the Korean War?


This policy, enacted by Harry Truman, aims to stop the spread of Communism. 

What is Containment?


This treaty, signed in 1963, was a collective agreement to stop the testing of nuclear weapons in space, under water and the atmosphere.

What is the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty?


This capitol of Germany was divided into four sections by the United States, France, Great Britain and the Soviet Union after World War 2.

What is Berlin?


This US president won the closest election in history, and was also the youngest president ever elected.

Who is John F. Kennedy (JFK)?


This long-lasting event involved the US and USSR in a direct competition of engineering and orbital feats.

What is the Space Race?


This term ruined the lives and careers of hundreds during the Red Scare. "Smear first, ask questions later."

What is McCarthyism?


This roughly one month period of time between October 16 to November 20th was tension filled since Cuba had 42 nuclear missiles aimed at the United States.

What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?


China enters into the Korean War directly after UN forces advanced close to this river that lies on its border to North Korea.

What is the Yalu River?


This couple was found "guilty" of treason in 1953. Accused of being communist spies.

Who are the Rosenbergs?


This botched invasion of Cuba by the US in 1961 pushed the USSR to supply them with nuclear weapons.

What is the Bay of Pigs Incident?


This term describes the political, military and ideological border created by the Soviet Union to wall itself off from the democratic West Europe.

What is the Iron Curtain?


This military plan coordinated by the North Vietnamese involved attacking 100 cities and other targets. News covering this attack shocked Americans and fueled anti-war movements.

What is the Tet Offensive?


The fall of this capitol marked the victory of North Vietnam in 1975.

What is Saigon?


This communist leader held an uprising in Cuba, and was in power until 2008.

Who is Fidel Castro?


This event, held in Paris in 1973, led to the US, South Vietnam, Viet Cong and North Vietnam signing a cease-fire.

What is the Paris Peace Accords?


This foreign policy, enacted by Harry Truman, provided economic and military relief to Turkey and Greece.

What is the Truman Doctrine?


This military plan executed by the United States involved three years of heavy bombing in North Vietnam. Costing the US $900 million, it was the first major offensive by the US in Vietnam.

What is Operation Rolling Thunder?


This gulf, that borders North Vietnam, is where the USS Maddox exchanged fire with three North Vietnam torpedo boats in 1964.

What is the Gulf of Tonkin.


This man was the first American to successfully walk on the Moon in 1969.

Who is Neil Armstrong?


This event was an exchange of missiles between one US destroyer and three Vietnamese torpedo boats. It led the US into direct combat in Vietnam.

What is the Gulf of Tonkin Incident?


This idea described the risk of allowing communism to spread and drove the United Nations to enter the Korean War in 1950.

What is the Domino Theory?


This area of warmer southern states saw an increase of population in the 1950s as many Americans left the northern cities.

What is the Sunbelt?


This section of Dallas Texas housed the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963.

What is Dealey Plaza?