what were two proxy wars during the Cold War?
Korean War, Vietnam War
Who gave the Iron Curtain speech?
Winston Churchill
What was the Baby Boom, and why did it happen?
A rapid increase in births after WWII due to economic prosperity
What two major countries in the Cold War competed in the Space Race?
What is the U.S. and the USSR
The committee that was formed in the U.S. by the House of Representatives as an investigative agency who looked for communist in the U.S.
What is House Committee of Un-American Activities (HUAC)
One of the most important causes of the Cold War between the USSR and the US after WWII was a disagreement based on what?
Who first came up with the idea of containment?
George Kennan
What type of jobs became more common in the 1950s, leading to a shift away from factory work?
White-collar jobs—basic recall of economic trends.
The first country to photograph the Earth from space.
What is the U.S.
The agency under the United States government that was developed in 1958 and is in charge of the nation's space area?
What is NASA
October 16-28, 1962 were arguably the most dangerous thirteen days of the Cold War. During this period nuclear war seemed not only plausible, but probable. This particularly unstable time was due to this dilemma.
the Cuban Missile Crisis
What two major events in Germany reflected early Cold War tensions?
Berlin Airlift & Berlin Blockade
How did television reinforce 1950s family values?
Promoted the ideal nuclear family, traditional gender roles, and consumerism—requires interpreting cultural impact.
President of the United States when man landed on the moon.
Who is JFK
The international organization whose stated aims are facilitating cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and the achieving of world peace. Formed at the beginning of the war.
What is the United Nations (UN)
What was the turning point of the Korean War?
when China entered the war and pushed US/UN forces back to the 38th parallel
What programs were created to prevent communism from spreading in Europe?
Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine
What was the Lavender Scare, and how did it relate to McCarthyism?
Fear of LGBTQ+ individuals as security risks, linked to anti-Communist hysteria—requires connecting social history to the Cold War.
The Soviet Union launched this artificial satellite into space on October 4, 1947?
What is Sputnik
It is the organization that constitutes a system of collective defense whereby its member states agree to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party.
What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
What years did the Cold War start and end.
What group resisted answering HUAC's questions during the era of McCarthy?
Hollywood 10
What was the largest public works project and what president commissioned it?
Interstate Highway Act and President Eisenhower
What was the name of the first space mission that put people on the moon?
What is Apollo 11
The 1947 National Security Act set up this agency to collect information on foreign governments, corporations, and individuals for government purposes such as safety.
What is Central Intelligence Agency CIA