Cold War
Korean War
Red Scare
Space Race/ tech advances

The Truman Doctrine was a significant policy response to the early Cold War. Which two countries were the initial focus of this doctrine, receiving U.S. aid to resist communist influence?

Greece and Turkey


What major event in 1950 contributed to the outbreak of the Korean War, catching the international community by surprise?

the invasion of South Korea by North Korean forces


During the Red Scare, this term was used to describe the fear of communist infiltration in the United States, leading to suspicion and paranoia.



Helped WWII veterans receive educational training and made it easier for them to buy a home

G.I. Bill


 Launched in 1957, this was the first artificial Earth satellite, marking the beginning of the Space Age.



The Marshall Plan, initiated in 1948, was a U.S. program aimed at providing economic aid to help rebuild the war-torn economies of Western European countries. What was the primary motivation behind this plan?

Prevent the spread of communism


This U.S. General commanded United Nations forces during the early stages of the Korean War and later became a prominent political figure.

General Douglas MacArthur


In the early 1950s, this senator led a series of investigations to uncover alleged communists in the U.S. government, accusing many without substantial evidence.

Joseph McCarthy


What was created that led to more people moving to the suburbs since now the commute was easier?

Interstate system


The successful launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1957 prompted the United States to enhance its focus on what subjects in education?

Math and science


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed in 1949 as a military alliance among Western countries. What was its primary purpose during the Cold War?

Provide collective defense against the threat of communism. 


The Korean War had a profound impact on the development of U.S. foreign policy. How did the war shape the U.S. approach to containment and military intervention during the Cold War?

Korean War contributed to the adoption of a policy of containment and the willingness of the United States to intervene militarily in conflicts to prevent the spread of communism


During the Red Scare, HUAC targeted Hollywood, leading to the "Hollywood Ten" being blacklisted. What was the primary accusation against these individuals, and how did it impact their careers?

accusation of being communist sympathizers or refusing to testify about their political beliefs, resulting in their blacklisting from the entertainment industry


The Beatniks were a countercultural movement in the 1950s, known for their rejection of societal norms. What aspects of mainstream culture did the Beatniks criticize, and how did they express their dissent?

 they criticized conformity, materialism, and consumerism, often expressing their dissent through literature, poetry, and unconventional lifestyles


What device changed the way families consumed media?



This famous barrier, erected in 1961, physically separated East and West Berlin and became a symbol of the division between communist and non-communist worlds during the Cold War.

The Berlin Wall


What was the 38th parallel, and why is it significant in the context of the Korean War?

the pre-war boundary between North and South Korea, and it became a demarcation line during the conflict


What was the name of the committee created to investigate communist infiltration in Hollywood?

House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)


This phenomenon characterized the post-World War II period, where many Americans moved to newly developed neighborhoods outside of urban centers



The United States and the Soviet Union competed fiercely during the Space Race. What U.S. space agency was established in 1958 in response to the Soviet achievements in space exploration?



The Berlin Airlift was a crucial event during the early years of the Cold War. What was important about airlifting supplies and not invading?

Prevented a war


The Korean War began in 1950 when North Korean forces invaded South Korea. What international organization intervened to support South Korea?

The United Nations


What crime were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg specifically charged with, leading to their controversial execution in 1953?

passing atomic secrets to the Soviet Union


This groundbreaking vaccine, developed by Jonas Salk in the 1950s, effectively prevents a highly contagious viral disease, leading to a significant reduction in its global prevalence.

Polio vaccine


What was the name for the traditional family in the United States consisting of a husband, wife, and two children?

The nuclear family