Early Cold War
Early Cold War 2
Cold War
Korean War

Why did the Cold War developed shortly after the end of World War II?

Because of the Conflicting Goals of the United States and the Soviet Union.


What plan provided economic aid after World War II in order to rebuild, and strengthen Western European nations against communism?

The Marshall Plan


What is the job of NATO?

Form an alliance of democratic countries including the United States.


Why was NATO formed during the Cold War?

There was a fear of being attacked by the Soviet Union.


Who invaded South Korea

North Korea


Name the Cold War feature in this Political Cartoon that separated East from West

It is the Iron Curtain descending across Europe


This map of a German City would help to explain what Cold War incident?

Berlin Blockade and airlift


The Berlin Blockade and airlift was most effectively used to . . .

Prevent communism from spreading to West Berlin


The situation in the political cartoon above most directly led to?

The Cuban Missile Crisis


What is the Nuclear Family?

Nuclear familiies are the style of life that a person from the 50s would strive to achieve. 






Name a Cold War leader who would be opposed to Truman's policy of Containment.

Joseph Stalin


A speech by President Truman, about his Truman Doctrine and his policy of containment following World War II tell us WHAT about the United States and the Soviet Union relations?

It indicated Rising Tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union


This political cartoon is best understood in the context of not just the Cuban Missile Crisis but which broader Cold War concern?

The escalating nuclear arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union


Why did the United States Presidents commit military troops to serve in Korea? (Hint - Thinks policies - two parts )

Because they supported the policy of containment and concerns over the domino effect


Explain the Significance of the 38th Parallel.

This was the line in which the border of the two Koreas sits.


What was the PRIMARY goal of the Marshall Plan? 

Give aid to foreign countries trying to resist Communism.


What policy is Truman talking about here?

“I believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures. I believe that our help should be primarily through economic and financial aid which is essential to economic stability and orderly political processes.”  Source: Excerpt from the “Truman Doctrine Speech,” March 12, 1947

Establish the foreign policy of containment


Why did the countries that entered the Warsaw Pact provide a buffer for the Soviet Union?

Their geographic location surrounded the Soviet Union so that all of Eastern Europe was communist.


Which of the following would most likely support the ideas in the map?

The United States’ policy of containment was successful.


What does it mean to be a proxy war?

A war instigated by a major power which does not itself become involved.

EX. Korea, Vietnam, Cuba


When the Korean conflict began, what would happen, according to Truman, if Communist nations were not stopped? 

Then no small nation would have the courage to resist threats and aggression by stronger communist neighbors. If this was allowed to go unchallenged it would mean a third world war, just as similar incidents had brought on the Second World War.  

The foundations and the principles of the United Nations were at stake unless this unprovoked attack on Korea could be stopped.


Why did President Truman feel it was necessary to send the military to Korea?

To prevent the spread of communism and to stop aggressive nations like those in WWII who conquered other nations


What was the geographic significance of the war in Korea?

It was on a Peninsula, it shared a border with Communist China and it was near to Japan a US ally.


What were two results of the Korean War?

1 - It fixed the DMZ [Demilitarized Zone] 

2 - It guaranteed former enemies freedom of choice in repatriation [returning home]

3 - It allowed the release of 12,773 surviving UN POW’s [prisoners of war]


What were the historical circumstances that led to U.S. involvement in the Korean War?

Like WWII each time that the democracies failed to act it had encouraged the aggressors to keep going ahead. 

If the Communists were permitted to force their way into the Republic of Korea without opposition from the free world, no small nation would have the courage to resist threats and aggression by stronger Communist neighbors.