Post War Boom
Early Cold War
Early Cold War cont.
Korea & Vietnam
Late Cold War

GI Bill

aid for education and housing for returning vets, helped them adjust to civilian life


Hollywood Ten

targeted by HUAC/McCarthy, investigated as possible communists


NATO and Warsaw Pact

NATO: Military alliance for U.S. and Friends (democratic and peace loving)

Warsaw: Military alliance for Communist/Soviet countries


Why did war break out in Korea?

MUST STOP COMMUNISM, U.S./USSR occupied to make sure Japanese left, North Korea attacked South to force reunification


What was the public's response to the Vietnam War?

Outrage, no support, hate, protests, draft dodgers


Economy post-WW2

increased consumerism and increased use of the TV


Berlin Airlift

U.S. and allies air dropped supplies to West Berlin because of a blockade by the Soviets

Domino Theory

if one country falls, they all fall (focus in Asia)


What was the impact of the Korean War?

Not much. Ended in a cease-fire right back where it started. Split a the 38th parallel.


Space Race

1960s--race to get to space, Sputnik (Soviets) beat us, but we landed a man on the moon before they did.


Polio Vaccines

new innovation, saved lives, stopped the spread of this disease, polio is eradicated today


Cuban Missile Crisis

USSR placed missiles in Cuba and pointed them to U.S., U.S. responded with a blockade, after 13 days, missiles were removed. Closest we got to a HOT war


Marshall Plan

MONEY to Western Europe to help rebuild, pay for friendship. Part of the Truman Doctrine


Kent State Massacre

College students protested war, Ohio National Guard shot into crowd killing 4. Made public hate the Vietnam War even more.


Launch of Sputnik

Soviets get to space first. We feared that the Soviets have achieved technological superiority


How did Rock n' Roll impact American society?

generation gap, new music based on the stylings of African American music


Bay of Pigs Invasion

U.S. invaded Cuba to help overthrow Fidel Castro. FAILURE. Led to the Cuban Missile Crisis


Truman Doctrine

Military and Economic aid to countries to help stop communism. Especially Greece and Turkey


26th Amendment

Lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. "If I can die for my country, I should be able to vote for my country."


Why was the Berlin Wall built? Who built it?

Soviet Union built the wall to stop East Berliners from escaping to the West


Why did people move into the suburbs?

Baby boom and money from the GI Bill encouraged people to move out of the city, use of the car made it easier. Increase in housing demands and resources/land


"In God We Trust"

Became the U.S. motto to distinguish ourselves away from those "godless commies"


Why did people build shelters during the Cold War?

bomb shelters in case of nuclear attack

Counter Culture

Mass movement against conformity and especially the Vietnam War


Iron Curtain

Winston Churchill coined the term to symbolize the clear division in Europe between communist and non-communist sides