Cold War Leaders
Cold War Crises
Cold War Rivalries
Cold War in Asia
Cold War Surprise

This Soviet leader attempted to create a sphere of influence in Europe in the late 1940s.

Who is Joseph Stalin?

The impact of this crisis was to secure the status quo in Europe. 

What is the Berlin Crisis of 1948-49?


This historical position holds the belief that the Soviet Union was responsible for the Cold War and was taken by historians writing in the early 1950s and 1960s.

What is the Orthodox or Traditional view?


This was the first 'hot war' of the Cold War era.

What is the Korean War?


This treaty included an agreement on a limit on the number of strategic nuclear delivery vehicles for each side. 

What is SALT II?


This Soviet leader pursued a foreign policy based on co-operation rather than confrontation.

Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?


One significance of this crisis was the intensification of the Sino-Soviet split.

What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?


This doctrine stated that the United States had the obligation to 'support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures'.

What is the Truman Doctrine?


The leader who oversaw the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

Who is Gorbachev?


The elected leader of Yugoslavia who was not interested in close ties to Moscow.

Who is Tito?


This leader stated, "I have ordered United States air and sea forces to give the Korean Government troops cover and support."

Who is Harry Truman?

This crisis was driven by a German leader.

What was the Berlin Crisis of 1958-1961?


This policy held that Capitalism and Communism should accept the continuing existence of one another rather than use force to destroy each other. 

What is peaceful co-existence?


This event ended in the defeat of the French in Indo-China.

What is the battle of Dien Bien Phu?


This doctrine pledged US intervention in the Persian Gulf if the Soviet threatened its interests there. 

What is the Carter Doctrine?


This leader's doctrine included the following: the United States would help any country in the Middle East to fight against communism. 

Who is Dwight Eisenhower?


This crisis demonstrated the determination of the Soviets to maintain stability within client states. 

What was the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979?


The location of the 1959 meeting between Khrushchev and Eisenhower.

What is Camp David?


The incident in June 1964 which served as the justification for Johnson's escalation of the US involvement in Vietnam.

What is the Gulf of Tonkin incident?


This treaty was signed in August 1970 between the Soviet Union, Poland, and the Federal Republic of Germany and recognized the border between East Germany and West Germany.

What was the Moscow Treaty?


This leader stated, "In the 1960s the forces of nationalism dissolved Communist unit into divergent centers of power and doctrine, and our foreign policy began to differentiate among the Communist capitals... [The US and China] seemed to have no fundamental interests that need collide in the eager sweep of history." 

Who is U.S. President Nixon?


This crisis involved a secret plan between the Israelis, British and French. 

What is the Suez Crisis, 1956?


This 1972 agreement laid down rules for the conduct of nuclear war and development of weapons, and committed the two sides to work together to prevent conflict and promote peaceful co-existence.

What is the Basic Principles Agreement?


The surprise attack by 70,000 Communists in January 1968 which targeted 100 cities in the South of Vietnam.

What is the Tet Offensive?


The East German secret police. 

What is the Stasi?