Early in the Cold War
Detente & 2nd CW
In the End
Grab Bag

This Soviet leader agreed to the construction of the Berlin Wall as a way to avoid further disputes over the borders and the escape of East Germans to democratic West Germany.

Who is Khrushchev?


This happened in 1949 and was one of the first crises of the CW. Soviets blocked the roadways to Western powers, but the US flew supplies in instead.

What is the Berlin Airlift/Berlin Blockade/1st Berlin Crisis?


The US wanted this in part because it wanted to increase trade whereas the Soviets wanted it in part to decrease spending on their arms budget. However, both hoped to ease fears of nuclear holocaust.

What is detente?


This 1979 event spelled this end of detente.

What is the Afghan invasion?


This ideology is marked by a belief that the party knows what is best for the people and that the common good is most important. In contrast, this ideology believes individuals are more important and should be free to make their own economic decisions. NOTE: 2 terms are needed.

What are communism & capitalism?


This man once called the US his country's number one enemy. However, he later engaged in secret talks and then public rapprochement with Kissinger and Nixon.

Who is Mao?


This first "hot" conflict was a proxy war that confirmed the Cold War had spread beyond Europe.

What is the Korean War?


This conference, held from 1973-75, is considered the high point of detente because countries from both the West and East agreed to share technology, protect the environment, and honor human rights among other things.

What is the Helsinki Conference?


Although jailed in the early 1980s for his role in Solidarity, he later became the first democratically elected president in Poland.

Who is Lech Walesa?


Bombings in these two neighboring countries continued after the Paris Peace Accords ending the Vietnam War were initiated. NOTE: Both countries must be listed.

What are Cambodia and Laos?


This person was the first non-Italian to hold this key religious position in a very long time, which gave a lot of hope and pride to the Polish people in their resistance to the USSR.

Who is Pope John Paul II?


Conflicting ideas about the tolerance for war, willingness to work with the West, beliefs in government control domestically, and border debates all led to this.

What is the Sino-Soviet split?


In this treaty the US & USSR agreed not to give nuclear technology to countries that didn't already have it.

What is the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?


Jokingly referred to as the Sinatra Doctrine, Gorbachev's policy toward satellite states said this.

What is they can do it "their way."


Uprisings against Soviet control happened in THESE countries prior to the Brezhnev Doctrine. Name at least two.

What are East Germany, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia?


Following the quick deaths of Andropov and Chernenko, this person became one of the youngest leaders in Soviet history.

Who is Gorbachev?


This leader only turned to the Soviets after he was rebuffed by the US. Despite many attempts to assassinate him, he survived longer than many US presidents.

Who is Castro?


This was signed in 1972 and while politically important didn't actually address the most current and dangerous nuclear weapons.

What is the SALT 1 Treaty?


This man both rescued Gorbachev in the failed coup against him and became Russia's first democratic leader.

Who is Boris Yeltsin?


This was signed in 1963 in response to the extreme fear felt during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

What is the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty?


This man started out as a play write and then co-created Charter 77 in the late 1970s to draw attention to human rights abuses. He was later the leader of democratic Czechoslovakia.

Who is Vaclav Havel?


This was used to justify the previous crushing of protests in Hungary and Czechoslovakia and the later invasion of Afghanistan.

What is the Brezhnev Doctrine?


Some contemporary historians argue that this program was a massive and aggressive move against the Soviet Union. However, others have suggested that it was part of Reagan's sincere desire to reduce the threat of nuclear war throughout the world.

What is SDI/Star Wars/Strategic Defense Initiative.


These TWO dates are often given for the end of the Cold War. The first marks the fall of the Berlin Wall and communist regimes in Eastern Europe. The second marks the year that Gorbachev resigned and the USSR was officially dissolved.

What are 1989 and 1991?


THIS term for economic restructuring and THIS term for government transparency/openness come from Gorbachev's tenure as Soviet leader. NOTE: You need both terms.

What are perestroika and glasnost?