History & Understanding
Key Terms & Concepts
Theories in Action
Open Communication

Approaches and techniques that use the internet to facilitate learning and knowledge building as a means to reshape formal, non-formal, and informal education for the Knowledge age.

What is Collaborative Learning Theory?


Human to Human Communication and interaction that does not include computer generated comments or responses from (semi) Sentient AI, such as Apple’s Siri, Microsoft Cortana, Amazon’s Alexa, and Google Assist.

What is Discourse?


James asks Ms. C how pumpkins grow. Instead of giving him a quick answer, she brings in some books on pumpkins, buys seeds for the class to grow together, and schedules a virtual field trip to the local pumpkin farm.

What is constructivist learning theory?


This type of communication allows all group members to contribute ideas and feedback, fostering an inclusive environment.

What is open dialogue?


This type of motivation arises from within the learner, often driven by curiosity or the desire to master a subject.

What is intrinsic motivation?


A time period that requires and enables knowledge create both as a process and a product.

What is Knowledge Age?


The first technology for online credit courses and learning networks at the most basic level enabled group discussions across time and space over computer networks.

What are Conferencing Systems, also known as forums?


The Joye family is close-knit. They often meet for large family dinners and discuss family lore, religious beliefs, and cultural traditions. The children attend these gatherings and interact with the adults and other children. Later, they are expected to host these gatherings and continue family traditions.

What is social learning theory?


A digital tool commonly used to facilitate synchronous communication in online environments.

What is a video conferencing platform?


This factor is essential to maintain motivation and commitment among participants.

What is group accountability?


In the 1960’s this individual invented the computer mouse, windows, word processing, point-and-click, and collaborative computing.

Who is Douglas Englebert?


Individualized Learning Controlled by computer programs and increasingly use AI without instructor or peer interaction.

What is Online Courseware (OC)?


Gah learns in many alternative virtual spaces. They enroll in MOOCs based in different countries about topics they want to know about. They also attend hybrid classes locally and are a member of a dedicated online learning community where members share ideas, fact-check each other, and source information. 

What is connectivist learning theory?


This form of communication involves the free exchange of ideas and the absence of a hierarchical structure.

What is horizontal communication?


When students feel that their contributions are valued by the group, it often leads to increased engagement and this.

What is increased motivation?


In 2012, the American media portrayed this as the educational revolution that would save the world.

What is Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)


The role of the teacher with emphasis on student discourse and collaboration is known as.

What is OCL - Online Collaborative Learning?


Jammie wants the students to master their 1-12 multiplication facts. So, she prints off drill worksheets for them to complete in the first five minutes of each class period. Jammie tracks their progress and rewards students for progress. 

What is behaviorism learning theory?


The key benefit of open communication is that it helps build this essential group dynamic.

What is trust?


This kind of positive reinforcement from peers can enhance motivation and participation.

What is social reinforcement?


The first online credit course delivered entirely via the internet was taught in January 1986 at what University?

What is University of Toronto’s graduate school of education?


A model that uses a correspondence model of course delivery, self-study, and individual communication with a tutor.

What is Online Distance Education (ODE)?


Xio wants to improve his problem-solving skills. He’s thinking of ways to strengthen his logic and reasoning in debates. Right now, he has a journal to process his strengths and weaknesses with potential ways to improve his ability to win an argument or create appropriate answers. 

What is cognitive learning theory?


This type of feedback is crucial to ensure continuous improvement and mutual understanding among group members.

What is constructive feedback?


The motivation to achieve a shared goal is often higher when there is a clear sense of this.

What is purpose or shared vision?