Loves gemstones and crafting
Who is Lanina
Regularly fosters dogs
Who is Simone
Hometown is Havana, Cuba
Who is Gregorio
Runs the Disability Facebook Page
Who is Alexis
Oldest sibling to seven brothers
Who is Marisol
Named "Queen" by clientele
Who is Yarili
Has family members apart of the Miami Dolphins team
Who is Eddie
Dallas Cowboys fan
Who is Joe
Avid reader who also works at Wegmans
Who is Faye
Their Mom works in the Preschool
Who is Lanina
Had their car stolen from Carter Street
Who is Nicole
Middle name is "Lee"
Who is Sheila
Been living without a kitchen for sometime
Who is Carol
Is a mental health therapist
Who is Simone
Has a cat named Miss Magoo
Who is Nicole
Dream job is to be a backup singer for Fred Hammond
Who is Shatara
Favorite snack is bell peppers and cream cheese
Who is Yarili
Past employee of Baden Street Settlement House
Who is Barbara
Had a Shark themed birthday party
Who is Carmen
Who is Carol
Staff who have worked in more than one department
*Multiple Answers*
Who are:
Alexis, Nicole, Sheila, and Carmen
Previously has lived in Florida
*Multiple answers*
Who are:
Carol, Nicole, Eddie, Brenda, Yarili, Faye
Staff who have been with CPGR for over 10 years
*Multiple Answers*
Who are:
Nicole, Shatara, Yarili, Barbara, Carmen & Marisol
Previously has lived in NYC
*Multiple Answers*
Who are:
Yarili, Sheila, Carmen, Barbara, Faye
Two sets of staff with the same last name
*1 point for each correct pair*
Who is Simone and Joe
Who is Alexis and Faye