History/Nursing Organizations
Union Pros/Cons
Collective Bargaining
Manager/ Employee Roles
Key Concepts
Nursing students may be a part of this association
What is: Canadian Nursing Students' Association
It guides standards in a union
What is: A contract
Activities or actions that nurses take to address problems in everyday workplace settings
What is: Workplace advocacy
These people should know the law ensuring that both nurses and managements rights are clearly understood?
What is: The manager and the employee
The two parties involved in a grievance are a union member and the .......
What is: A manager
What union was the first to form in Canada?
What is: Saskatchewan Nurses Union
Gives a collective voice for employees
What is: Unions
The practice of employees as a collective coming to terms with management in reference to wages, work practices, and other benefits
What is: Collective Bargaining
This person should carefully chose a collective bargaining agent, and follow the laws pertaining to unionization?
What is: The employee
A set of guidelines and rules voted and agreed upon by union members and representatives of management
What is: Collective Agreement
On May 1, 1981 what union was created to represent unionized nurses at the national level?
What is: National Federation of Nurses Union DAILY DOUBLE *** In 1999 this name was changed to.......?
It must be paid even if individuals don't support it
What is: Union Dues
An act in which union members withhold their supply of labour for the purpose of forcing management to accept the unions terms
What is: Strike
This role is it to listen to problems and concerns, investigate them promptly, and suggest solutions
What is: The manager
A job action taken to challenge terms of the contract such as refusal to work overtime or refusal to attend meetings
What is: Work to rule
Which provincial union is not a member of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Union?
What is: Federation des Infirmiers et Infirmieres du Quebec
They all conform to the contract without exception
What is: Union Members/Management
The act in which an individual discloses information regarding the violation of law, rule, or regulation or a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety
What is: Whistle-blowing
This person should maintain amicable professional relationships during a strike in order that client care is not compromised
What is: The manager
A union representative who works with employees to formalize collective bargaining through unionization
What is: Collective Bargaining Agent
In 1978, this association drafted a code of ethics that said it would be unethical for nurses to strike in Canada?
What is: Canadian Nurses Association
The manager if being unjust by giving an increased patient load to few nurses, so the nurses get together and decide to.....
What is: Questioning a managers authority
A formal complaint or dispute between management and a union member regarding the interpretation and application or alleged violation of the terms of the collective agreement.
What is: Grievance
The decision to strike is made only by ........ if a majority decides to do so
What is: The employee
This was passed by the liberal government in 2005 to provide encouragement and protection for whistle-blowers
What is: The Disclosure Protection Legislation