MATH 111, MATH 105, or MATH 205 are examples of classes from which Gen Ed Category?

What is Quantitative Reasoning?


You can go here for group or individual tutoring for all of your classes. This resource is located all over campus, but their main locations are in Strickler Hall and the Library.

What is REACH?


This is placed on your account and prevents you from registering for classes for the next semester. Possible reasons could be: advising, bursar - balance due, disciplinary action, etc.

What is a hold?


You do this during class or as you are reading the textbook, preparing a written record of the information you are learning.

What is take notes?


Louisville is home to the tallest one of these in the world, which are used in a type of sport. It is located at a museum downtown.

What is the Louisville Slugger Baseball Bat?


Classes in this category explore the society and people, and include courses like PSYC 201, SOC 201, CJ 201, or POLS 201.

What is Social/Behavioral?


If you need help with a paper you have been assigned or putting together your speech, you can go here. This resource is located in the Library.

What is the Writing Center?


This is the 2-word term for the amount of time you spend in class per course and what you earn when completing it.

What is a credit hour?


You use one of these to keep track of when you have class or other meetings, what you have to do, and when assignments are due.

What is a calendar/planner/agenda?


This place is located close to campus and is infamous for providing "the most exciting 2 minutes in sports" once a year in May.

What is Churchill Downs?


Classes in this category explore the physical world and environment, and include courses BIOL 102, CHEM 201, and PHYS 107.

What is the Natural Sciences?


If you have questions about paying for school, scholarships, FAFSA, or tuition, you can go here. This office is located in the Houchens Building.

What is Financial Aid?


You go here to find class assignments, resources, and progress grades. You often turn your assignments in here.

What is Blackboard?


You should do this at the beginning of each semester after the first day of class to make sure: you understand what the class is, what is being asked of you, when assignments are due, and when the exams are scheduled.

What is read the syllabus?


Kentucky is known for this type of liquor, which people say can only be called this if it was made here.

What is bourbon?


Classes in this category explore different aspects of artistic expression and include an appreciation of various types of painting, sculpture, and music. Class examples would be ARTH 203, MUH 204, or HUM 151.

What is Arts and Humanities?


If you want to learn more about employment opportunities related to your major, internships, or the connection between your major and future career, you can go here. This office is located in the Houchens Building.

What is the Career Center?


This is where you can register for classes, pay your bill, update your contact information, or view your final grades for the semester.

What is ULink?


You acquire these to help you be successful in your classes. They provide additional knowledge that compliments the lecture and can be a good resource to help you study and prepare for examines.

What are textbooks?


Louisville hosts this explosive event each year down at waterfront park as part of the Celebration of the Kentucky Derby.

What is Thunder Over Louisville?


Classes in this category explore various aspects of race/ethnicity, religion, or gender, and include courses like HUM 152, SOC 210, and HUM 216.

What is Diversity?


If you have questions about your major, adding or dropping a class, scheduling classes, registration, or learning more about your major and minor options, you can go here. This office is located in the Belknap Academic Building

What is Exploratory & Transition Advising?


This is the term for a class that must be completed before moving on to the next course in a sequence. An example of this would be ENGL 101 before you can take ENGL 102.

What is a pre-requisite?


You do this to obtain advice about your options for classes, majors/minors, careers, etc. and to start planning out courses for the next semester.

What is meet with an advisor?


90% of all of these in the world are made in Louisville, KY. It's not a party without one!

What is a disco ball?