This skill involves being able to express ideas clearly and effectively, whether in writing or speaking.

What is communication?


This value is about being truthful and straightforward in all your actions.

What is honesty?


People with an interest in this field may enjoy activities that involve teaching, counseling, or mentoring others.

What is education?


A person who excels in this strength is able to stay focused, break tasks into steps, and manage their time well.

What is organization?


This work value focuses on having flexibility in the hours you work or the tasks you perform

What is work-life balance?


The ability to work well with others to achieve a common goal is known as this skill.

What is teamwork?


A strong belief in fairness and equality often guides careers in law and social justice. This value is known as?

What is justice?


A person interested in this field typically enjoys working with data and solving complex problems, possibly as an engineer or scientist.

What is STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)?


This strength involves seeing both the big picture and the small details, often leading to success in strategic planning roles

What is visionary thinking?


People who value this often look for careers that involve contributing to society or making a difference in people's lives

What is altruism or service to others?


This type of skill allows you to adjust your approach when faced with new challenges or unexpected situations.

What is adaptability?


A person who prioritizes this value seeks stability and predictability in their career choices, often choosing jobs with long-term security.

What is financial security?


Someone who enjoys creating art, writing, or designing might have an interest in this broad field.

What is the creative or arts field?


This personal strength involves being able to continue working toward a goal, even when faced with difficulties.

What is perseverance?


A person who values this tends to prioritize career advancement, recognition, and a high level of achievement

What is ambition?


A highly sought-after skill in technology and business, it involves the ability to analyze data, facts, and evidence to make reasoned judgments.

What is critical thinking?


This value involves caring about the well-being of others and might lead someone to pursue a career in healthcare or social work.

What is compassion?


If you enjoy organizing events, managing projects, or handling budgets, you might be drawn to this career field.

What is business or project management?


People with this strength often excel in social situations, easily building relationships and networking.

What is interpersonal skills or social intelligence?


This work value is crucial for someone who desires freedom and control over how they work, often leading to entrepreneurial ventures

What is autonomy?


This skill, crucial in leadership roles, allows individuals to guide and motivate others toward a shared vision or goal.

What is leadership?


A person who values this enjoys working independently without much oversight or control from others, often leading them to pursue entrepreneurship.

What is independence?


Careers in this field often require attention to detail, a love of numbers, and the ability to manage financial data.

What is accounting or finance?


Individuals who are great at noticing trends, anticipating future needs, and preparing for potential problems are strong in this area

What is foresight or strategic thinking?


Individuals who value this often seek jobs where they can work in a team environment and collaborate with others on a regular basis.

What is collaboration or teamwork


This skill involves the ability to generate new ideas, think outside the box, and innovate in a variety of situations, making it essential in entrepreneurial careers

What is creativity?


A person who values this seeks consistent improvement and growth, both personally and professionally, often choosing careers that provide continuous learning opportunities.

What is personal development?


Someone with an interest in this field enjoys working with the law, enforcing rules, and protecting citizens, potentially leading to careers in law enforcement or legal studies

What is criminal justice or legal studies?


This strength is the ability to quickly assess situations, make sound decisions under pressure, and guide others through crisis scenarios, often seen in emergency services or leadership roles.

What is decisiveness or crisis management?


This work value emphasizes creating and maintaining long-lasting relationships with colleagues, clients, and stakeholders, often seen in careers that focus on customer service or client relations.

What is relationship-building?