State Farm Insurance
KMS Safety
Career Ready
What is the State Farm jingle on TV?
Like a good neighbor, state farm is there
Why do we have uniforms?
So we know who should be on campus and who shouldn't.
If you are hiking up Diamond Head trail and you get hurt, who is responsible for your injury? The state of Hawaii or you?
The state of Hawaii
If you go to college and earn your bachelor's degree and want to get the next level of degree what kind of degree is that called?
Master's Degree
Name two careers that NEED a college degree.
1. Doctor 2. Lawyer 3. Teacher 4. Firefighter etc.
What are the colors for the State Farm logo?
Red and White
If you see someone without this item on them, tell a teacher.
A KMS ID tag.
If you are at Ala Moana Mall and you slip on the floor due to rain, who is at fault? a. Ala Moana b. the state of Hawaii c. you
Ala Moana
True or False: Attendance counts when you go to college. If you don't go, the teacher will mark you absent and that will affect your grade.
False. The only thing affecting your grade is YOUR CHOICE to miss school and you will miss important information and therefore, not pass the class. In the end, you will waste your own money!
Name one thing you can do to prepare for an interview.
Get appropriate clothing. Learn how to make eye contact. Learn how to give a proper handshake. Practice answering questions you find on the internet.
What is the first name of the presenter today?
Name the three types of emergencies we can have on campus.
1. Fire 2. Evacuation 3. Lock down
If you are in a two car accident and the first car stops suddenly which causes the back to hit the first car's bumper, who is at fault and has to pay - the first or the second car?
It is ALWAYS the second car's fault for being too close. The second car will have to pay for all damages.
Name two colleges on Oahu.
1. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2. University of Hawaii East Oahu 3. KCC 4. WCC 5. Chamiade etc.
Name two things you can do after high school that DON'T need a college degree.
1. Army/military 2. Policeman/Policewoman 3. Working in a restaurant 4. Cashier etc.