College Vocabulary
Career Vocabulary
College Life
Career Types
Mystery Questions

What is a college "Application"?

This is a document or series of documents you must complete to see if you will be accepted into a college.


What is the difference between a job and a career?

A job is something you do simply to earn money; a career is a series of connected employment opportunities. A job has minimal impact on your future work life, while a career provides experience and learning to fuel your future.


How many colleges & universities do you think are in California? 25, 50, 100, or over 100?

There are over 100 colleges & universities in California. There is a total of 281.


If your job is to design and make buildings then you studied:

Architect - Architecture


True or False: 

All careers require a degree?



What is a college "Major"?

This is the subject or related to the subjects you study in college.


What is a Resume?

A resume is a short document used to summarize a job seeker's experience and qualifications for a prospective employer.


While you are in college, are you allowed to change your major, or area of study?

Yes! As many times as you want.


If you learned how to use science and technology to build machines, engines, and other structures, then you studied:



True or False:

San Juan High School is over 100 years old. 



What is Financial aid?

Financial aid is money you may receive from the government to help you pay for college. These can come in the form of Grants, Scholarships and Loans.


If you design apps for the iPhone or Galaxy 6, then you probably studied:

Computer Programming


How long does it take to get a Bachelors Degree? 

At least 4 years.


If you scientifically studied the human mind and how this affects people's behaviors, then in college your major was:



True or False:

San Juan High School has a program that is partnered with Chico State University designed to mentor and help students get to college. 

True! This program is called Pipeline to College.


What are A-G requirements? 

 A-G Requirements are a sequence of high school courses that students must complete with a grade of C or better to be eligible to apply to a 4yr college.


What is an Entrepreneur?

A person who organizes and operates a business or businesses.


What is the difference between an associated and a bachelors degree.

An associated come from a community college, and a bachelors comes from a 4-yr university. 


If you use science to gather evidence and information that can be used in courts for criminal trials then you studied:

Forensic Science


How many credits do you need to graduate from San Juan High School?

220 credits


What is the difference between a CSU and a UC University? 

CSU schools tend to focus on maintaining small, direct class sizes, while UC systems are based on a self-motivated style of learning. UC's are also more competitive to get into than CSU's.


What are Employability Skills?

Basic skills necessary for getting, keeping, and doing well on a job (Reading, writing communication, etc.)


What is the difference between a bachelor's and a master's degree?

A master's degree is completed after the person has completed his or her bachelor's degree. Often times master's students are attending classes while also working full time.


If you work under the direction of a physician to produce ultrasound images for patients then you studied:

Sonography (Associate’s degrees and one-year certificate programs)


What is the name of a teacher at San Juan High School that is also alumni?

Ms. Twilla