What type of learner learns best by seeing information/instructions?
Visual Learner
What is a "resume"?
A document created by an
individual that details their
background, skills and abilities.
If you graduate from highschool, are you
allowed to go to college in
another state or country?
Yes, you can attend any
college/university that you get
accepted to!
What does it mean to be promoted?
A promotion is when an employee advances to a position that is at a higher level of experience/skill (usually for an increase in pay).
Name as many jobs/careers as you can that involves working with animals.
1 minute for all teams to compete, go!
What is a college "major?"
This is the subject or related to the subjects you study in college.
What is a trade/technical school? (Aka vocational
Educational institution
designed to train students for
a specific job in a skilled trade
True or False - All colleges & universities in the United
States are private schools.
False - There are both private & public colleges and
universities in the United
True or False: Once you start on a career pathway you cannot change directions.
FALSE - you can always make changes to your career based on current interests and life events!
Name as many colleges/universities as you can
1 minute for all teams to compete - GO!
What does "GPA" stand for?
Grade point average
What is the difference between hourly pay and salary pay?
Hourly: Paid a set amount per
hour for time worked
Salary: Fixed compensation for
labor or services over a span
of time (typically a year)
A Bachelor's Degree typically takes ___ years to complete.
If your job is to design and make buildings then you
Architect - Architecture
Name as many real life expenses you have as an adult
90 seconds for all teams to compete - GO!
What are "extracurricular activities?
These are other activities you
can do other than your
classes, such as playing a
sport, being part of a club, and
What are benefits?
Benefits are the financial rewards and other compensation employees receive in addition to their financial paychecks. Ex: Medical insurance, PTO, tuition assistance, retirement, etc
While you are in college, are you allowed to change your major, or area of study? Yes or No.
Yes, you are allowed to change your major during your time in college.
What year was the National Urban League founded?
What is the name of the National Urban League of Greater Cleveland's CEO?
Marsha Mockabee
What is "tuition?"
Tuition is the cost to attend
college/university for an
established period of time.
A job/position (sometimes
unpaid) that you complete in
order to get hands-on training
for a specific job
Do you have to be a U.S. citizen to attend college in the United States? Yes or No?
No, you do not have to be a U.S. citizen to attend college in the United States
Name the 5 branches of the military (hint: there's actually 6, one is a "bonus"!)
Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marine Corps
Bonus: Space Force
Name as many careers as you can that start with the letters "R", "M", or "S"
90 seconds for all teams to compete - GO!