What does FAFSA stand for?
Federal Application for Federal Student Aid
How many credits do you need for an Associates Degree?
This is a written summary of a person's work and school experiences to help employers hire the best person for a job.
True or False? Students are required to bring bedroom furniture to their dorms.
By what year should you declare your major
What are the two most common forms of federal loans?
Subsidized and Unsubsidized
How many credits is a Bachelors Degree?
True or False: Employers and college admissions counselors are allowed to search you on social media and consider your content when making their decision.
Is it mandatory to live on campus?
What is the first day you can apply for financial aid?
October 1st
True or False?
Work study is a part of financial aid?
List two services offered at the Student Success Center?
Tutoring Services
Writing Center Help
Note Taking
Time Management
Life Skills
Name two services or resources a Career Center on a college campus can provide you with.
Resume writing, interview skills, career inventory assesments, career searching, networking opportunities, internships, access to career events, etc.
What is an RA?
Resident Assistant
When is the rolling admissions deadline?
What are federal aid letters based on?
EFC - Estimated Family Contribution
Who should you go see if you have questions about what classes you should be taking?
Academic Advisor
List 4 tips you would share with someone going in for a job or admissions interview.
Be on time, be honest, dress appropriately, look them in the eye when you're speaking, pay attention when the interviewer is speaking, ask questions, be prepared (researching the company/school/position, having questions ready to ask, bringing copies of your resume with you, having paper to take notes, etc.), etc.
What is a meal plan?
On campus dinning plan for students living in dorms.
True or False
If you miss a deadline Colleges/Universities will extend it for you.
Can a student alter their FASFA after they submit it?
True or False
If you walk in Commencement does that mean you graduated?
This term refers to the position that allows a student the opportunity for career exploration and development and to learn new skills. (Hint: This looks great on a resume, and it will help you build your network!)
When do students move on campus?
A week or two before school starts.
When should you drop a class?
The first two weeks of school.