College Vocabulary
Career Vocabulary
College Life
Career and Job Facts

The most common post-high school institution choice for most students.

What is a college or university?


If you are an economist, or study economics, then you are mostly studying what?

What are Money, Wealth, and/or Finances?


Generally speaking, if you go to college, you will make more money in your job throughout your life. True or false?

What is true?


All colleges & universities in the United States are private schools. Is this true? Yes or No. 

What is No? There are both private & public colleges and universities in the United States.


A career option you can choose and join directly after high school.

What is the military?


The subject and/or related to the subjects you study in college.

What is a "major" in college?


If your job is to design and make buildings, then you studied:

What is an architect and/or architecture?


A Dental Hygienist cleans teeth, takes dental x-rays, and applies preventive materials to teeth, true or false?

What is true?


How many colleges & universities do you think are in the state of Connecticut? 5, 10, 12, 15, or 17?

What is 17? 


Indeed, LinkdIn, ZipRecruiter

What are places you can search for jobs?


A building/residence or place where students can live when they go to college.

 What are college "dorms?"


If you design apps for the iPhone or Samsung Galaxy, then you probably studied:

What is Computer Programming or IT?


If you make new styles of clothes, then you studied:

What is Fashion?


When you finish your bachelor's degree in college, that means you studied for how many years? 2, 4, or 6?

What is 4 years of college?


The meaning of PT and FT when listed in the job description.

What is part-time and full-time?


Activities you can do other than your classes, such as playing a sport, being part of a club, etc.

 What are "extracurricular activities?"


If you use science to gather evidence and information that can be used in courts for criminal trials, then you studied:

What is Forensic Science?


provides immediate response to emergency 911 calls; is a first responder who rides an ambulance

What is an EMT and/or Paramedic?


While you are in college, are you allowed to change your major, or area of study? Yes or No.

What is yes? You are allowed to change your major during your time in college.


Your name, address, date of birth, skills, prior work history, and references.

What are things you should put on a job application?


The money you may receive from the government to help you pay for college.

What is "financial aid?"


installs and maintains electrical wiring, circuits, outlets, fuses, panel boards, and electrical machines in homes and businesses

What is an electrician?


Advises and represents clients in legal matters

What is a Lawyer?


If you earned an associate's degree, then how many years did you study in college?

What is 2 years? For an associate's degree, you studied at least 2 years in college.


Connecticut's current minimum wage

What is $16.35 an hour?