Preparing for College
College Facts
Admission Requirements
Preparing For College Pt2
Name That Career
A paper that shows a specialization of a certain field such as History, Math.
What is a Degree ?
By going to college, it allows you to get a pick a ___
What is a job or career
To get into College, you must pass this place after middle school
What is High School?
Going to class, Turning in your homework, and visiting your college centers.
What are ways to get ready for college
If you go to a community college, you can be train to help doctors and work at the hospital
What is a nurse?
A document that you will received after completing the A-G and that be used to get into college
What is a High School Diploma ?
USC is not a_____
What is UC?
Taking three years of Math and four years of English is part of ___
What is A-G Requirements
You can take this certain test around 11th or 12th grade
What is SAT/ ACT?
if you go to college, you can to do a lot of research either at a researcher center or even at the university
What is a scientist?
Even before you plan to attend college and high school, you need the pass the most important thing that you are currently in
What is middle school?
This place is smaller and offers an AA degree and certain classes for careers such as Nurses or electricians
What is a Community College?
In order to apply for college, you need to take a special test
What is the SAT/ACT?
An online application where you are able to get grants or loans to pay for college
What is F.A.F.S.A?
If you go to college, you are able to get certified and able to work at AFF
What is a teacher?
In order to get to college, you need a high___
What is a G.P.A
This place is often big supports big research and offers a large variety of classes and majors.
What is an University?
This system reveals an overall grade and is one of the factors that is used to apply for College
What is G.P.A?
One way to pay for college is to work at the College Library or Cafe
What is work study?
If you go to a university, you are able to go to graduate school and within 6 six years you are able to work at the university
What is a professor?
To get credit for your Classes, you must received no lower than a ___
What is a C?
This place is harder to get in, more famous and is expensive
What is a private university/college?
Playing sports, being in a Marching Band, or joining a running club can boost your chances to attend a college
What is Extracurricular Activities?
If you complete Fasfa, you will be able get this thing to pay for college
What is grants/Scholarships?
If you go to college, you are able to go to med school for 8 yr and become a
What is a doctor?