The final statement of an introduction.
The thesis statement.
The three Greek terms for credibility, logic, and emotion.
Ethos, logos, pathos
New media audiences are fragmented, selective, and expect a ______ element in the content they consume.
Peer review should always consist of _______ criticism.
The most common citation formats in academic writing are APA and this additional 3-letter acronym.
The three sections of a traditional essay include:
Intro, body, and conclusion
In constructing proposals, one needs to establish this at the outset.
What is the problem? Research Question?
Strategies for multimodal composition include being tool neutral, which means...
Being open to including various multimedia elements
True or false: during peer review, along with suggesting areas for improvement, you may also point out sections that are particularly well-done.
Essays traditionally include this page at the very end.
Works Cited
Transitions between paragraphs accomplish this.
connecting ideas; flow between paragraphs
Questions you should ask yourself in essay writing are "so what" and this:
Who cares?
Participation with new media composition can be active and passive--an example of active participation includes:
Commenting; sharing
One benefit of peer review is helping you recognize where you might improve this feature of your own essay.
The MLA format for in-text citations includes, within parentheses, the last name of the author(s) and the _____.
page number
Rhetorical strategies include process, narrative, description, exemplification, classification, and this strategy that can be a focus on one or the other.
cause and effect
This psychologist believed that dialogue and a conversational--non confrontational--approach encouraged readers to be open to persuasion.
Karl Rogers/Rogerian Argument
In considering the role of the author in digital composition as designer, we can consider the role of the reader as this:
One particular strategy for reviewing sentence structure and flow involves this--the most time efficient strategy for revision.
Reading outloud
Rigorous research includes consulting scholarly sources in order to establish _______.
Credibility; ethos
These types of words or phrases are often used for purposes of transition and introducing source material.
signal words/phrases
PEEL is an acronym for paragraph sandwiches. What do the letters stand for?
Point Evidence Explain Link
The Greek term for audience awareness. Not chronos/chronological understanding of time, but placing your argument in the significance of now.
What should you look at to ensure the essay is correct in form and content?
Assignment guidelines and myhills information
Whether researching in the hard sciences or social sciences, rhetorical strategies include making YOUR argument, anticipating objections, and explaining why it ______. What are three two-word questions that can help focus your writing?
So What? Who Cares? Why Now? Says Who?